Manufactured with high tensile galvanized steel wire, High Tensile Field Fence is strong for keeping and breeding animals. High tensile wire fence is popularly used as deer fence Material a) Electro galvanized iron wire b) Hot dipped zinc plated wire c) High Tensile Steel Wire d)

Dezhou DongXin Field Fence Factory      [2022-06-28 17:47:08 ]


We supply woven wire field fences of knotted mesh, v wire / diamond mesh and chain link fabrics used as protective farm fence nets. Products Details Woven Wire Mesh Fence Used as Horse Fencing Woven Wire Fence Barrier with gates Modular fence Galvanized; Modular fence Vinyl coate

Dezhou DongXin Field Fence Factory      [2022-06-28 17:41:50 ]


FIELD FENCES WITH GRADUATED MESH OPENING Field fence wire mesh woven with graduated spacings is called Graduated Fence, or Graduated Mesh Fence. The graduated spacing mesh has a unique structure starting with small openings at the fence bottom and big ones at the top with graduat

Dezhou DongXin Field Fence Factory      [2022-06-28 17:34:11 ]


FIELD FENCES WITH SQUARE KNOTS (S KNOTS FENCE) Square Knot Field Fence has s-shaped knots to form a tough & sturdy structure that stands up to impact from large animals without buckling or sagging. It is a type of anti climbing fence, suitable for goat, sheep and cattle keeping,

Dezhou DongXin Field Fence Factory      [2022-06-28 17:30:04 ]


GALVANIZED FIXED KNOT FENCING We are supplier of high quality fixed knot field fencing wire products for USA, Canada, Belgium, Thailand and many countries in 20\' FCL and 40\'FCL. Fixed Knot Fence is a high tensile wire mesh fence We export Fixed Knot Fence of quality steel and c

Dezhou DongXin Field Fence Factory      [2022-06-28 17:28:12 ]


HINGED JOINT FIELD FENCE HEAVILY GALVANISED Hinge joint field fence has four wrap knots or joints formed with two vertical stay wires wrap together that give under pressure, then spring back into shape. This hinged knot provides a continuing protection, maximum strength and flexi

Dezhou DongXin Field Fence Factory      [2022-06-28 17:07:43 ]

Bullnose Corner Beads

Bullnose Corner Bead is available in galvanised steel and rigid vinyl materials, used to create subtle dimension, the softened look of outside corners and a smooth transition to baseboard or corner molding in drywall plastering. Also called Bullnose angle bead or plaster bead. We

Yezhi Plaster Beads Co., Ltd.      [2022-03-24 15:58:34 ]

Plastic and Vinyl Corner Beads

Stucco corner bead or stucco stop is used for corners protection of stucco walls. PVC (plastic) and vinyl are popular materials. Stucco beads provide hard-to-damage, rust-proof straight corners. It can be easily curved for smooth arches in construction. Plastic Stucco Beads PVC c

Yezhi Plaster Beads Co., Ltd.      [2022-03-24 15:58:02 ]

Expanded Metal Corner Beads

Also known as Diamond Mesh Corner Beads or Corner Guards. Popularly made of expanded metal sheets, it has a opening pattern of diamond / rhombic mesh. The expanded metal flange grounds can be 3/8\", 1/2\", 5/8\", or 3/4\" (1\", 1-1/8\", 1-1/4\" and 1-1/2\". Wide Expanded Metal Sh

Yezhi Plaster Beads Co., Ltd.      [2022-03-24 15:57:27 ]

Stainless Decorative Corner Beads

Stainless steel corner beads are popularly used to make flat decorative facade joints on raked render. The stainless steel corner armoring beads are also widely used in the places where there is a long term humidity like sanitary rooms, domestic bathrooms and kitchens wall plaste

Yezhi Plaster Beads Co., Ltd.      [2022-03-24 15:56:51 ]

Interior Drywall Corner Beads

Interior corner beads are the most easily forgotten aspect of a drywall job. Designed for internal plaster uses, manufactured from quality galvanized steel sheet or perforated mesh in metal or PVC materials. Solid flanges are preferable. Corner bead are adapt to framing irregular

Yezhi Plaster Beads Co., Ltd.      [2022-03-24 15:54:51 ]

Exterior Raked Render Angle Beads

This kind of corner bead is also called angle bead, provides a finish and protects external raked render angles. Stainless steel and hard PVC are most popular materials for external joint construction applications. Using of corner beads enables adjustment of all thickness renders

Yezhi Plaster Beads Co., Ltd.      [2022-03-24 15:52:52 ]

Gabion Box

Gabion Boxes are box shaped gabion containers made of steel wire mesh galvanized or PVC coated steel wire mesh for easy forming of retaining wall and riverbank protection works. Gabion boxes and mattresses are widely used for river and slope protection, the triple twist hexagonal

Shandong Aerct Gabiony Factory      [2022-02-21 09:55:45 ]


Gabiony is an element in the form of blocks made of wire mesh nettings of twisted hexagonal opening or welded square or rectangular openings, which is filled with natural stone for river, hill protection or construction. The gabions shall be unfolded on the ground and stretched t

Shandong Aerct Gabiony Factory      [2022-02-21 09:52:23 ]

Planted Gabion Walls

Aerct supplies planted gabion walls system designed for creek slope stabilization uses. We also supply technical support on how to detail, specify, and construct the planted gabion walls. For American and South East Asian market mainly. Steel Wire Used for Making Gabions All stee

Shandong Aerct Gabiony Factory      [2022-02-21 09:47:55 ]

Planted Gabion Walls

Aerct supplies planted gabion walls system designed for creek slope stabilization uses. We also supply technical support on how to detail, specify, and construct the planted gabion walls

Shandong Aerct Gabiony Factory      [2022-02-21 09:44:37 ]

Welded Mesh Gabions Retaining Wall Cladding

Welded Mesh Panel Gabions are popularly used in architectural and landscape construction by securing the gabions units, which are filled on site with stones or quarry to form the appropriate retaining wall structure, cladding and other landscape design. Filled with natural stone,

Shandong Aerct Gabiony Factory      [2022-02-21 09:35:25 ]

Hot Dipped Galvanized Gabion Mesh Cells

Hot dipped galvanized gabion wire mesh cells are used for building blocks of airport and other projects, also for anti blast barriers in military uses. The galvanized wire mattress or basket cells are mostly composed of square or oblong opening welded panels. The gabion cell bask

Shandong Aerct Gabiony Factory      [2022-02-21 09:16:57 ]

Embossed Plate

Embossed Plate and Aluminum Embossed Tread Plate Patterns, Defination and Types On Embossing Metal Panels Metal Materials to be Embossed Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Mild Steel and Brass Embossing Patterns Embossed plate patterns can be oval, round holes, long holes, diamond or oth

Deerway Checker Plate Co., Ltd.      [2022-02-19 18:14:29 ]

Checkered Steel Plate

Checkered steel plate can be divided into three types checkered carbon steel, checkered galvanized steel and checkered stainless steel plates. Can be supplied in coils or sheets. Galvanized Steel Checker Plate Galvanized checker plate refers normally to hot dipped galvanized stee

Deerway Checker Plate Co., Ltd.      [2022-02-19 18:13:52 ]