BA-70-01-02 System Lock Opposite With Tongue BA-70-01-02 System Lock Opposite With Tongue
ModelNumber CDL-100R ModelNumber CDL-100R CDL-100R Contact card setting & deleting functions CDL-100R Contact card setting & deleting functions Dual lock function Tamper resistant features Alarm function (optional)
Cam Lock housing with screw on plate Cam Lock housing with screw on plate product code LK30034 - Barrel Diameter=18mm- Wood thickness=17-22mm- double doors LK30035 - Barrel Diameter=18mm- Wood thickness=17-22mm- single door LK30036 - Barrel Diameter=16.5mm- Wood thickness=17-22mm
Colour Orange, Black and Blue Colour Orange, Black and Blue One piece plastic pull-through seal with paddle for numbers, logos or moulded customer informationDouble-sided fastener, 3 x 2 mm for small apertures, locking mechanism totally enclosed within head of seal, "hot-stamped"
Standard Wheel Clamp Padlock Rust resistant solid brass body with brass inner mechanism for smooth operation in adverse weather Standard Wheel Clamp Padlock Rust resistant solid brass body with brass inner mechanism for smooth operation in adverse weather
Price excl VAT euro 34.03 Price excl VAT euro 34.03 SOLD SECURE recognised padlockFits up to and including 13mm chain2 security keys supplied
Each packer is labelled with the compatible profile name and bagged in 30's (6 per Lock) Each packer is labelled with the compatible profile name and bagged in 30's (6 per Lock) Each packer is labelled with the compatible profile name and bagged in 30's (6 per Lock) LDPACKRD1-AL7
Solenoid Locks Interlock Systems Solenoid Locks Interlock Systems
kale elektrik elektronik guvenlik sistemleri bilgisayar ve kirtasiye san. tic. ltd.
his electronic lock is built like a battleship but dosent need a battery his electronic lock is built like a battleship but dosent need a battery
Design for use with aluminium open joint window frame Design for use with aluminium open joint window frame Design for use with aluminium open joint window frameFINISHES Black nylon and galvanized coated PACKAGE Box of 100 packets 1 pieces in 1 packet. Even though the both lockin
Biometrics Fingerlocks Biometrics Fingerlocks The FL-300 fingerlock is the heavy-duty and durable fingerlock of our suite. The externals and internals are designed and built to last, making it a natural choice for those seeking security in the harshest environment. Users will be