Nuts SPECIFICATIONS DIAMETER RANGE GRADE DIN 934 M6-M42 CL. 5,6,8 DIN 555 M6-M42 CL 5,6,8 ASTM A194 / A194M Gr. 8, 8A, 8M, 8MA 1/2" - 3 - 3/4" GR. 2H,2HM,4,7 ASTM A563(HEX) 1/2" - 1-1/2" GR. A ASTM A563(HVY,HEX) 1/2" - 4" GR. A ASTM A563M M16 - M24 CL. 10S SAE J995 1/4" - 1-1/2"
EYE NUT DIN 582 , ZP SIZE kgs 6 70 8 140 10 230 12 340 16 700 20 1200 24 1500 30 1800
Grade 8.8 Grade 10.9 We are in demand of these bolts, So please quote us your best price to start a step ahead with you.
Code 50015 This unit is used to align the OT unit. Must have use with NOVA 2 Morse Taper Acruline System