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Brand Name MIMOSA ltd Place of Origin Vietnam Brand Name MIMOSA ltd Place of Origin Vietnam Create space for the comfort of your home! It is made iron art by the company MIMOSA ltd in Viet nam. Come to our company you will have many templates to choose. Size is your choice.

MIMOSA ltd.   

Wireless Doorbell

**100 meter wireless doorbell **good quality, clear bell sound, stable wireles ** receiver size 8 x 11 x 2.5cm ** 4 melody rings alternative ** good quality, clear bell sound, stable wireless connection ** we can put your own sound into the bell sound ** we can make the panel sha

A9 Industrial Co., Limited   

Door channel part

Door channel part Door channel part

NEOTEC Co., Ltd.   


Locks Strikes LocksPCSC provides a variety of high-quality maglocks for the use in any installation. PCSC offers three different models of maglocks with a range of holding force of 600 lb. to 1200 lb. for the use in variety environments. PCSC also offers a dual 1200 lb. maglock f


Photochromic IR film

PHOTOCHROMIC IR FILM High InfraRed reject rate Fax +8227829284 Tel. +8227863479 Contact info. Ntech Co., Ltd AUSTIN HYUNSOO CHOI For your inquiry, Please contact me at your convenience. The picture is taken 3hours after exposure. (Before V L.T.67 I R15) After you install this fil


Dead Bolt Lock

FACE PLATE 200mm(L) x 32mm(W) x 40mm(D) Dimensions FACE PLATE 200mm(L) x 32mm(W) x 40mm(D) STRIKE PLATE 90mm(L) x 26mm(W) x 2mm(D) BOLT 16mm(Throw) x 15.5cm(Diameter)Features 1. Power Supply DC 12V. 2. Fail-safe type (Power to lock). 3. Built-in delayed egress control point

Techno Venture Ltd.   

out handle housing

For door handles and locking applications must have excellent surface finish and easy paint ability. For door handles and locking applications must have excellent surface finish and easy paint ability. KOPLA provides good surface finish, stiffness, strength and paint ability upon

Kopla Co., Ltd.   

AA221 Screw Lock

Low strength locking & sealing of screws , nuts & bolts , Vibration Proof , easy to dismantle Purple 1000 10 N / mm2 5 3 -50 to 130 0.20 10-30 mts 3-6

Hi-Bond Adhesives (I) Pvt Ltd   

MI-2000 Door Lock

The best among the same class - Ergonomic design , Stylish look - The newest intellectual circuit - Easy (un)installation when house moving

Milre Systek Corporation   


Bottom Uframe 45 degree Bottom Uframe side locking Bottom Uframe 55 degree Breach Base

Morrison Marine and Intermodal Inc   

Bathroom lock

0SA Antique Price 32.50 Specifically designed for use with bathroom/wc. These locks have internal thumb turn and external emergency opening. Also included is a finger pull for use in the leading edge of door. Available for 35mm or 44mm doors. Please specify when ordering. Dimensi

sliding door systems   

Startec Lever Handles Hallow Handles

Hafeles very own Startec brand of lever handles stands for top quality designer hardware at attractive prices. Hafele has Hafeles very own Startec brand of lever handles stands for top quality designer hardware at attractive prices. Hafele has two types to offer Hollow and solid

Hafele UAE   


In many systems, a valve failure can allow media to escape form the treatment vessel. In many systems, a valve failure can allow media to escape form the treatment vessel. Not only is the loss of expensive media significant, but damage can easily occur to downstream pumping equip


Single Edge Slide System

Track lengths up to 6m with unlimited lengths achievable by butting highly effective system for lower cost and accuracy builds up from a single edge track and matching wheels. DualVee components are available in a range of sizes to suit most applications with high temperature and


SLIDING DOOR LOCK without trigger

SLIDING DOOR LOCK without trigger - Gold glazed - Single Key