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avast! Professional Edition - antivirus software solution for Windows

Delivery Time 12 - 24 Hours Package You will be able to download full version of the software immediately after ordering! Minimum Order Quantity 1 Set/Sets Payment Terms Paypal Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server avast! Professional Edition 4.8 is a collection of aw

Happy Net   

Seventhsoft Basic Accounting software

Produk ini dapat digunakan hampir semua jenis usaha dengan skala kecil sampai menengah yang tidak mempunyai multi gudang. Produk ini dapat digunakan hampir semua jenis usaha dengan skala kecilsampai menengah yang tidak mempunyai multi gudang. Cocok untuk usahadagang dan jasa sepe


MIC Test Software for Process Evaluation

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server MIC test software is turnkey simple, with protected access to its flexibility Because MIC test software has a large customer base and spans many years, it has an extensive feature set. Use the features that match your requirements

Chiron Holdings Pte. Ltd   

software- BizServ

BizServ is a serviceability offering that will enable you to bridge the gap between Engineering and Business Services BizServ is a serviceability offering that will enable you to bridge the gap between Engineering and Business Services. This service will allow you to collect real

IMMCO, Inc.   

Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite (software)

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite helps you sell complex products and services to your customers and partners Synchronizes selling and order management across all channels; allowing you to present a unique buying experience f

Sterling commerce   

Energy management system -2100 System

Type System Utilities & Maintenance Type System Utilities & Maintenance Easy Installation & Startup Low Maintenance Requirements Easy Installation & Startup Low Maintenance Requirements Multi-user Seamless Pneumatic Interface Graphical User Interface Automatic Software Upgrades U


Software-based PBX for Windows

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server 3CX Phone System for Windows is a software-based IP PBX that replaces a traditional proprietary hardware Evolve your communications with 3CX Phone System for Windows - an IP Phone System that completely replaces your proprietary P

Keysys inc   

Interactive video portal solution genico 3G pocket software

the market for mobile video entertainment is now as wide open as ever. Genico? 3G Pocket Clips is a breakthrough interactive video portal designed to cater to the needs of an increasingly demanding 3G entertainment market. It is essentially a mobile video authoring, management an


ITS Accounting Software

ITS Accounting Software - Accounting, Bank, General Ledger, Invoice, Purchase, Sales, Credit, Stock,Warehouse, English & Arabic


Soft-i System

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Soft-i - A triplex e-Commerce, POS and Trading System Hardware requirement Client - Pentium II 233 above, 64MB RAM, 100MB Hard disk free space or more Soft-i Classic , Soft-i Enterprise (Web + Classic) Soft-i Classic Internet Expl


LAVA Framework software

Type Programming & Development Type Programming & Development While the framework has many different facets, the paragraphs below will focus on some of its main features By using the framework, our code re-usability has greatly increased which we pass onto our clients in the form

Fluid-Core technologies   

Digital Patient Record Management software

Digital Patient Record Management software The team at MMCS consists of a core group of very committed professionals who have been with the company since its early days and over the years have acquired extensive domain knowledge is areas such as banking & finance, document manage

Multimedia Computer Systems Pvt Ltd   

eRealestate System

Type Book Type Book Will provide the ability for the agents and Real Estate employees to see, book The following are the features of the system Will provide the ability for the agents and Real Estate employees to see, book, and buy available apartments online

Digital Dynamics   

Lease Manager software

The enormous value of the Lease Manager software is its ability to precisely understand what it has read. The extraordinary value of Scio Lease Manager resides in its automatic and accurate understanding of real estate leases. Currently, such functions require tedious and intensi

Scio Systems Ltd.   

OCLC Amlib software

Type System Utilities & Maintenance Type System Utilities & Maintenance Amlib is a product of OCLC , distributed to Africa by Sabinet in collaboration with InfoSolve Africa. Amlib is a product of , distributed to Africa by in collaboration with InfoSolve Africa. Amlib is an integ

infoSolve Africa   

WinRAR Software

WinRAR is a powerful compression tool with many integrated additional functions to help you organize WinRAR - Features Summary

Progressive Gateway Technology   

SportsQ Booking System Version 2.23 software

Type Book Type Book Powerful and easy to implement o Tested thoroughly and reliable. o Password protected employee account Powerful and easy to implement o Tested thoroughly and reliable. o Password protected employee account o Multiple booking counters synchronized o Remote staf

Lui Mewah   

Trace P&ID Pro Software

Type Educational & Reference Type Educational & Reference Trace P&ID Pro is an application that runs on AutoCAD and is dedicated to creating industrial process design diagrams Creating and Managing P&ID Diagrams Trace P&ID Pro is an application that runs on AutoCAD and is dedicat

Trace Softwar   

Stock management (Software)

Type Educational & Reference Type Educational & Reference All software products are subject to a license agreement. The mobile device then allows the user freedom to move around without paper forms, fulfilling his inspection schedule using the electronic forms previously created
