Searching *:* , total 1160181 products,queries done in 856 ms

Medicus software

Medicus is a complete, scalable package for small/large multi-specialty hospitals. The modular structure ensures Medicus is a complete, scalable package for small/large multi-specialty hospitals. The modular structure ensures that all workflow pathways in a hospital can be quickl

Tendercare FZ LLC   

COLORCUBE Color Command Console software

Only $10.00USD! Suitable for Windows 95, 98, NT4, NT5/2000 Click the spinning cube to visit the Order Page and buy the Color Command Console! Only $10.00USD! Suitable for Windows 95, 98, NT4, NT5/2000 COLORCUBE Color Command Console. Step up, strap in and get ready to ride pure c



Type Educational & Reference Type Educational & Reference The system is under constant revision and upgrading is based on user feedback GENERAL OVERVIEW A COMPLETE QUANTITY SURVEYING SYSTEM FOR The production of Bill of Quantities Documents The production of Estimates Documents T

WinQS System   

LX-ProScope HR Software

SKU PS-HR-LX Delivery usually within 15 to 20 working days. SKU PS-HR-LX Delivery usually within 15 to 20 working days.


Bare Bones Software - Mailsmith

Mailsmith is an email client designed by Macintosh users, for Macintosh users. If you already own Mailsmith 2.x and are looking for the free update to version 2.1.5, please go to our . If you have a previous version of Mailsmith, you can explore your upgrade options . Now, when y

Bare Bones Software, Inc.   

Tax Software

Kansult is pioneer in Sales Tax Software, we are in this Software Since 8 years Also contact for Integration with your existing accounting system or ERP systems. More than 600 customers allover Gujarat & Mumbai Multi-user facility Partywise, Divisionwise & Commoditywise search Fa


GSA Regnow Statistics Expert software

Type Programming & Development Type Programming & Development GSA Regnow Statistics Expert The GSA RegNow Statistics Expert is a software tool especially developed and tested for users. Data security Customer management Statistics GSA Regnow Statistics Expert The GSA RegNow Stati

gsa online   

MegaRAC ES1500 software

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Many IT departments today are actively looking for methods to cut their operating costs as budgets are shrinking. In addition to cross-platform management, MegaRAC ES1500 provides remote access and control of servers to increase s

American Megatrends Inc.   

software Kaspersky Mobile security

Kaspersky Mobile Security 8.0 solves those problems that you'd rather not deal with. Kaspersky Mobile Security 8.0 solves those problems that youd rather not deal with. You can have complete confidence knowing that your smartphone and its contents have the same level of security

Sea Infonet Pvt Ltd   

Sedna Accountancy Automation Software

Sedna Accountancy Automation is an accountancy program that has been developed especially for the tourism industry. ? Accounts from different areas can be summarized in one summary account ( offline, online, web ), so that you can then obtain a central Accountancy & book-keeping

Ticaret Turizm Ithalat Ihracat Limited   

We Build Any software for your requirement

Nano Technology Service is established in 2008 to provide software solutions for domestic and overseas clients especially for ja

Nano Technology service   

Guava EasyCyte Plus software

Guava has made microcapillary flow cytometry accessible to anyone in the lab. Novice and experts alike will appreciate New Product Highlights Only Guavas PCA systems streamline cell monitoring and screening in single, precise systems anyone in your lab can use right at the bencht

Whitehead Scientific   

business process software solution

Mobile Force's comprehensive solutions include an integrated family of products that automate complex business process, Mobile Forces comprehensive solutions include an integrated family of products that automate complex business process, a customisable software solution, and a r

Mobile Force Software (M) Sdn Bhd.   

innovative Windows-based software

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server innovative Windows-based software solutions that make the Internet accessible and profitable for small-to-medium-size businesses ColoradoSoft sells its products directly and through distributors, resellers, and OEMs in the United

ColoradoSoft InC   

Indian English ViaVoice software

Indian English ViaVoice is a speech recognition software that replaces the need to type a document. Indian English ViaVoice Home Edition Product Features 1. Powerful speech recognition Dictate directly into most popular Microsoft windows applications. Create basic voice shortcuts

Speech and Software Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd.   

school management system Software

A specialized composite school management system to monitor and control student details, A specialized composite school management system to monitor and control student details, fees, results, bus routes, payroll, financial accounting and an MIS.

iNextGen IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd   

"Suppliers" software

Supplier from Elextronika-International is a manufacturer and parts distributor database Supplier from Elextronika-International is a manufacturer and parts distributor database exclusively for the Electronics Service Center, with more than a 1000 phones, address, and others info


American Innovations Field Data Management software

Cathodic Protection Data Manager The Cathodic Protection Data Manager has been continually developed since its introduction in 1985 to become an industry leader. The system takes cathodic protection data, and by using the CPDM software delivers, orders, and controls the huge quan

Eurabia Cathodic Protection   

Peak Limiter software

Peak Limiter Digital Audio High-Quality Sound Reinforcement [Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP] Peak Limiter Digital Audio High-Quality Sound Reinforcement [Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP]

Infinity Forensics (Private) Limited   

The eConnect ecommerce software

The eConnect ecommerce software is a simple and powerful solution developed to meet your complex needs as a computer reseller Online Computer Sales easily with fully Integrated eCommerce Software! | | The eConnect ecommerce software is a simple and powerful solution developed to

Flashecom, Inc.