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EMS Software

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server EMS Software Coastcom has a comprehensive list of Element Management and



LOTTERY SOFTWARE 4D SuperEase Prof 2007 (S'pore) S$ - S$388.00 4D SuperEase Prof 2007 (Magnum) S$ - S$388.00 LOTTERY PUBLICATIONS Offer Normal 4-D WINNING BOX (Monthly) S$ - S$3.50 4D COMBINATION INFO (Quarterly) S$ - S$3.80 4D Encyclopedia 2008 - 4D/Toto results 7/10 yrs (S'pore

WinForever Enterprises   

FlameThrower/xRay TM Advanced Security Validation Systems

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs) and Firewalls provide protection Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs) and Firewalls provide protection for today's Advanced

Antara Support Center   

webSurvent v8.3 Survey engine

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server The CfMC advantage is clear with webSurvent. Adaptive Conjoint Discrete Choice Analysis Conjoint requiring complex algorithms Complex selection procedures Users of previous version of webSurvent will want to check out the white pa

CfMC world   

Sample Ware Software

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server to schedule a webinar or request a live demo of the software. SampleWare was designed with ease of use in mind. Both the network and desktop versions take only a moment to install. SampleWare is easy to learn and easier to use. Yo

Biomatrica, Inc.   


There are a few automatic work-tracking and billing solutions that track at the application level. Benefits of enRev enRev ENTERPRISE HUMAN CAPITAL ENHANCEMENT SOFTWARE Don't guess; enRev captures your employee revenue-producing work automatically and accurately at the file level


Software Microsoft Office Excel 2007 - Complete package - 1 PC - EDU - CD - Win - English

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Microsoft Office Excel 2007 - Complete package - 1 PC - EDU - CD - Win - English Features & Benefits Subcategory Office applications - spreadsheet Language(s) English Software Requirements/Peripherals Internet Explorer 6.0 / CD

Software - Location Based Solution (LBS) using GIS:

iConcept specializes in designing,developing and implementing location based solutions. Location Based Solution (LBS) using GIS iConcept specializes in designing,developing and implementing location based solutions iConcept specializes in providing GIS applications to Agriculture

iConcept software services Pvt Ltd   

Bluespec Compiler (BSC) solution

The Bluespec Compiler (BSC) compiles a high-level model, transactor, testbench or implementation into Verilog RTL or SystemC. A large microprocessor company uses Bluespec to quickly model new architectures for next generation processors and synthesize the models to evaluate the p

Bluespec, Inc.   

Contact Center Software-Unified Communications for the Contact Center Architecture

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Leverage investments in existing networks and technologies Aspect? Unified IP and PerformanceEdge? were built specifically to address the needs of IT by taking advantage of technology standards like session initiation protocol (SI

Aspect Software, Inc   

software Coral8 Portal

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Coral8 Portal is a dashboard and visualization server that allows users to dynamically query and work Coral8 Portal is integrated with Coral8 Engine, taking full advantage of the powerful, dynamic architecture for a scalable and s


Software - Optimum Control Inventory

Gain Control Over Your Inventory Cost and Achieve Higher Profit Margin Computer Business Software Gain Control Over Your Inventory Cost and Achieve Higher Profit Margin If you do $1 million per year in sales and Optimum Control could save you as little as 1% that's $10,000.00. Im


software Unify2 Video Manager

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Video Manager aids in optimizing use of network bandwidth The Unify 2 Video Manager is used to enable or disable video sessions from Microsoft Office Communicator clients. Main Features Video Manager consists of server side compon

Cordant, Inc   

DAQ software

Our collection of DAQ software utilizes user-friendly graphical interfaces on your PC to perform data logging Our collection of DAQ software utilizes user-friendly graphical interfaces on your PC to perform data logging and first order processing of data from our fiber optic sens

Blue Road Research   


Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server The Millennium System is comprised of a number of core and optional modules that In addition to the Workgroup version of the product Millennium 10 is available in an Enterprise version. Where the workgroup version comes bundled wi

Convergent EDM, Inc.   

Software: ChartLogic Document Management

ChartLogic Document Management ChartLogic Document Management is a very streamlined tool that eliminates paper in your practice For additional information about either of ChartLogic's DM Solutions, click one of the products above. ChartLogic PaperLess Office ChartLogic DM Standal

ChartLogic Inc.   

Software:Network Computing platforms

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Custom System/Web Application Development The principal stages in our approach for executing any project are... ?System Study, Analysis and Planning. ?Design & Test Plans. ?Code construction and Integration. ?Unit Testing, Integra

Chafets Technologies   

software-PartsManager Pro: Reference Pages

Type Educational & Reference Type Educational & Reference These documents require Adobe?Acrobat?Reader PartsManager Pro Reference PagesThese documents requireAdobe?Acrobat?Reader PartsManager Pro Quick Installation GuidePartsManager Pro Quick Reference GuideTecumseh BrochureHonda

Snap-on Business Solutions   


Code Strength changing 448bit 112 character code encryption Ideal for Ready Available, Mobile, Cross-Border & Highly Secured Governmental and Military communication. To address very strong "Security" needs for Government Agencies and Military. With its 1.1579x10^77 possible combi

Entropic Technologies (M) Sdn. Bhd   

BRec is Batch Recording software

BRec is Batch Recording software that automates capturing media files. BRec is one of the many applications Key Features Captures live video or video from a VTR. Control any VTR that supports RS422 control. Confidence monitor that play back the encoded video as it is captures wit

Skymicro, Inc.