1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc. Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized.
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:23:36 ]
Coal briquette line also called coal briquetting plant is used to make pillow, oval or egg shape briquettes from coal powder or coal dust. For processing these kinds of raw materials, a single coal briquette machine is not enough. There is some other equipment necessary in the hi
河南福特重工机械有限公司 [2015-03-21 15:23:35 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized. 3
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:23:13 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized. 3
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:22:43 ]
beyoncebw Hot Tags BeyonceBW, Full Lace Wigs http://www sdsleekhair com
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:22:23 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized. 3
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:21:58 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized. 3
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:21:36 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized. 3
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:21:15 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized. 3
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:20:57 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized. 3
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:20:35 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc. Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized.
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:20:13 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized. 3
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:19:55 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc. Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized.
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:19:34 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized. 3
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:19:16 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc. Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized.
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:18:54 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc. Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized.
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:18:28 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc. Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized.
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:18:09 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc. Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized.
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:17:46 ]
1. Hair Color Natural color, 1#, 1B#, 2#, 3#, 4#, 6#, 8#, 10#, 12#, 14#,16#, 18#, 22#, 27#, 60#, 30#, 33#, 613#, 99J, Red, Blue and Pink, etc. Other colors could be customized. 2. Hair Texture Natural straight, loose wave, Body wave, Deep wave, other texture could be customized.
Shandong Sleek Hair Products Co.,Limited [2015-03-21 15:16:31 ]
ed Capacities 20, 30, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500, 750(kg) 1, 1.2, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 5, 7.5, 10 (t) Rated Output 2.0 mV/V±0.25% Non-linearity 0.02% R O. Hysteresis 0.02% R O. Repeatability 0.02% R O. Creep(30min) 0.02% R O. http://www mavincn com/
Hope Technologic(Xiamen) Co.,Ltd [2015-03-21 12:36:22 ]