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DSHQ24D Seismic Water Detector

Introduction 1 . Seismic method used in underground water detection supplies comparation data in geological structure, stratum partition and lithology for hydrogeology. We can forecast the porosity of saturated sandstone containing water stratum through the study of speed revers

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:29:59 ]

DSHQ12A Seismic Water Detector

Introduction 1 . Seismic method used in underground water detection supplies comparation data in geological structure, stratum partition and lithology for hydrogeology. we can forecast the porosity of saturated sandstone containing water stratum through the study of speed revers

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:27:57 ]

DSHD-808 Gamma Ray Water Detector

Functions 1. X-gamma radiation tot al amount measurement 2. U, Th, K quantitative analysis 3. Recognize radionuclides 4. Radioactive detection of environment, building materials and house decoration stuff 5. Search underground water and determine solid objects density 6. Uranium,

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:27:34 ]

DSHD-803A Gamma Ray Water Detector

Application And Features 1 . Environment, building materials and house decorative materials radioactivity detection , Small volume, high sensitivity, good repetition 2 . Seek underground water and determine solid substance density, Semi-quantitative analysis to site uranium ore s

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:27:16 ]

DSHD-3017A Soil Radon Survey Water Detector

Introduction 1. It is a new model meter,then can use static to collect the first generation progeny-RaA of radon decay as measurement objects, 2. Also it can be survey soil or radon concentration in water quantitively. 3. It has various features no detector pollution problems, no

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:26:57 ]

DSHF600 Full Automatic Natural VLF Water Detector

Introduction DSH F600 Natural VLF Water Detector is the other upgrade product on the base of continuous improvement and enhancement. The module of full imported IC control and filtration completely reaches international leading level to fixed machine filtering of frequency; and c

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:26:40 ]

ATEM-4 Transient Electromagnetic Water Detector

Transient Electromagnetic Method (TEM) is a kind of time-domain electromagnetic method , which uses ore and underground water’s conductivity and magnetoconductivity difference as main substance base, then applies non-earthing loop or earthing line source to send first pulse mag

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:18:35 ]

ATEM-3 TEM Water Detector

TEM (Transient Electromagnetic Method) is on the basis of conductivity and magneto conductivity difference of the earth’s rock (ore), applying electromagnetic induction theory to send primary pulsed magnetic field to underground by un-earthing loop or earth wire source. During

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:18:15 ]

DSHF800 Natural VLF Water Detector

1. Automatic noise reduction, super 5 shifts anti-jamming design, fit for various geological conditions. Automatic measurement, data storage and curves mapping. 2. 5 frequencies or 30 frequencies measurement synchronously. 3. Operating functions are all on the LCD screen, easy op

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:17:50 ]

DSHD-C Natural VLF Water Detector

1. Product Introduction This instrument refers advanced technology home and abroad, solves great subjects on shielding and selective signal processing to amplify in complex natural electric field, and also does multiple anti-jamming as well. It is similar to traditional resistivi

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:16:41 ]

DSHD-12 Underground Borehole Camera

A pplication It mainly used in engineering, hydrology, mining, petroleum, geotechnical, civil and other units or departments. It can be used to observe the characteristic of geologic body in drill hole, wellhole, well drilling, oil well and pile foundation etc, such as lithology,

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:16:04 ]

DSHD-12 Borehole Camera

A pplication It mainly used in engineering, hydrology, mining, petroleum, geotechnical, civil and other units or departments. It can be used to observe the characteristic of geologic body in drill hole, wellhole, well drilling, oil well and pile foundation etc, such as lithology,

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:15:38 ]

DSHJ-1 Rotational Viscometer

I Introduction DSHJ-1 Rotational Viscometer uesd for the determination of the viscosity and rheology of various fluid and semi-fluid , it can also be used to measured kinematic viscosity and structure and viscosity of mineral oils, lubricants, adhesives, paints, plastics, inks ,

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:14:40 ]

DSHJ-5S Digital Viscometer

I Introduction 1.DSH J-5S D igital V iscometer adopts 16 bit microprocessor core control circuit, NO gear drive, RTD temperature probe real-time monitoring and measuring viscosity temperature, Blue screen LCD directly display viscosity, rotate speed, percentage torque, rotor numb

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:14:22 ]

DSHJ-1B Rotational Viscometer

Purpose The instrument is multifunctional . In the aspec t of configuration , first it adopts advanced mechanical design and manufacture techniques, and microprocessor controlling technologies , so as to accurately collect test data; Take a blue background light, ultra-brighten L

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:14:02 ]

DSHJ-1B-HT Rotational Viscometer

P roduct standard 1. The system is composed of a DSH J-1B Rotation Viscometer, a double layers glass temperature preservation cylinder, a printer, and a DSH Y-10 Constant Water Bath. 2. The viscosity is sensitive to temperature . The constant temperature water bath and temperatur

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:13:39 ]

DSHJ-1C Rotational Viscometer

P roduct standard The instrument is designed and made as per T0625 “Asphalt Rotation Viscosity Test (Brookfield Viscometer Methods)” in the Industry Standard JTJ052 Specification and Test Methods of Bitumen and Bituminous Mixture for Highway Engineering. It is suitable to d e

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:13:19 ]

DSHJ-1D Rotational Viscometer

DSH J-1D Rotational Viscometer DSH J-1D 布氏旋转粘度计 E9 关键词: Rotational Viscometer , Digital Rotational V iscometer , Nade R otational V iscometer, SNB-AL Multi-speed D igital V iscometer, Brookfield V iscometer , D igital V iscometer , R otary V iscometer 2. D

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:13:01 ]

DSHJ-1E Rotational Viscometer

Purpose The instrument is applies to determine absolute viscosity of Newton liquids and apparent viscosity of non-Newton liquids . It has been widely used in petrochemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and chemical industries to determine viscosities of latex , oils, chemical reagen

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:12:40 ]

DSHJ-1F Rotational Viscometer

DSH J-1F Rotational Viscometer DSH J-1F 布氏旋转粘度计 E7 关键词: Rotational Viscometer , Digital Rotational V iscometer , Nade R otational V iscometer, SNB-AL Multi-speed Di gital V iscometer, Brookfield V iscometer , D igital V iscometer , R otary V iscometer 2. D

Zhuhai Dshing Import&Export Co.,ltd      [2014-08-19 04:12:23 ]