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Pipe Union (Forged steel pipe union) parts

Alloy Or Not Is Alloy Alloy Or Not Is Alloy Pipe Union (Forged steel pipe union) parts Features

Yong Dong Industrial Co., Ltd.   

Alumina Round Extruded Tubing

Technique Extruded Section Shape Round Technique Extruded Section Shape Round Diameter tolerance Straightness camber length 0.003 Alumina Tubes is the the workhorse of the advanced technical ceramic tubes. It has good mechanical and electrical properties, wear resistance and corr

Ortech, Inc.   

Seamless steel pipe

Technique Seamless Technique Seamless we can supply Seamless steel pipe Please send e-mail to me. If you are interested to our product .Do not hesitate . We have more than ten years experience for this . We are the steel mill proxies . If you want buy Seamless steel pipe .


steel tubes and pipes

Surface Treatment Galvanized Surface Treatment Galvanized We are manufacturing and exporting wide range of steel tubes and pipes for various purp Steel Pipes manufactured as per ASTM specification. Capability exists for galvanizing pipes upto 24 feet in lenght and 12 inches in di


S.S. Pipes 316

MMC is the specialist of copper & copper based alloy.

manoj metal corporation   

GI pipes

are microprocessor monitored to maintain different temperature, humidity and photo synthetically active radiation. Manufactured at world-class state-of-the-art ISO accredited manufacturing facilities, these equipment are being supplied by us worldwide.

Matrix Global Private Limited   

seamless precision steel tube

ModelNumber DIN 2391 Technique Seamless Standard DIN ModelNumber DIN 2391 Technique Seamless Standard DIN seamless precision steel tube

Peninsular De Vastagos, S. L.   

Steel Tubes Round Rectangular

Section Shape Rectangular Section Shape Rectangular For the construction, energy, mechanical and general engineering industries and construction industry

African Trade   

M. S. & Carbon Steel Seamless Pipe

Technique Seamless Technique Seamless O D. 300 mm to O D. 1000 mm (Walk Thk. 40 mm to 80 mm)

manoj metal corporation   

Longitudinal SAW Pipes

Welded Line Type Longitudinal Technique SAW Welded Line Type Longitudinal Technique SAW Longitudinal SAW Pipes

Jindal SAW Limited   

SAW Pipe (Submerged Arc Welded) - Spiral Pipe

Technique Welded Welded Line Type Spiral Technique SAW Technique Welded Welded Line Type Spiral Technique SAW The spiral steel pipes are twisted in spiral type at the welded part. The spiral steel pipes are twisted in spiral type at the welded part. The SAW(Submerged ARC Welding)

Hyundai Sangsa Hk Ltd   

Wleded steel pipes & tubes

Welding Line Type Spiral Welded Welded Line Type Spiral Technique ERW Section Shape Square Standard ANSI Welding Line Type Spiral Welded Welded Line Type Spiral Technique ERW Section Shape Square Standard ANSI Wleded steel pipes & tubes ERW 1/2" through 24" (round pipe) ASTM, BS,

Bosan Corporation   

PN25 ALUM.FOLYOLU BORU - PP-R Pipe With Aluminium Foil

PN25 ALUM FOLYOLU BORU - PP-R Pipe With Aluminium Foil Code Size Pack 102200000110225000011023200001102400000110250000011026300001 202532405063 160 / 4,00120 / 4,0080 / 4,0060 / 4,0024 / 4,0016 / 4,00