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Hijri & Gregorian calendar

Hijri calendar year, month and date Azan alarmFajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha. Hijri calendar year, month and date Azan alarmFajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha. l. Calendar ( the Gregorian calendar,western calendar,Hijri calendar and week). 2. Easy operation .Show in western calendar

Alenson Islamic product branch   

Solar digital calendar

Package gift box packing Minimum Order Quantity 500,1000 Piece/Pieces Payment Terms T/T,Western Union colour green/white/black Model Number C-020 Display Screen LCD Calendar Use Clock Type Electronic Calendar colour green/white/black Model Number C-020 Display Screen LCD Calendar

Cheong Wah Gift & Premium Company   

FotoCalendar Calendar

Use Photo Frame Use Photo Frame Sticking to your schedule will be a lot more fun with a FotoCalendar. Sticking to your schedule will be a lot more fun with a FotoCalendar. Just give us 12 of your favourite photos or you can design it on your own with our FotoCalendar software and



Style Table Calendar Style Table Calendar We use a topic per month, which can run alongside current and future campaigns. Calendars Mine or business unit specific desk or wall calendars (any size from A3 to A0) highlighting important dates such as meetings, birthdays, national he

Prime Solutions International (Pty) Ltd   

Calender Pads

Calender Pads Calender Pads


Spiral Desk calendar

Payment Terms L/C,T/T Place of Origin Turkey Model Number 602 TS/SA Brand Name GURPAS Style Table Calendar Place of Origin Turkey Model Number 602 TS/SA Brand Name GURPAS Style Table Calendar Spiral Desk Calender Various Designs and Colors Available 6) Logo Printing Available 5)

Gurpas Stationary Printing Plastic Co.   


We specialize in the following products Hand books,Cartons,Labels,Annual Reports,Bill books,Letter pads,Match box outer skillets We specialize in the following products Hand books,Cartons,Labels,Annual Reports,Bill books,Letter pads,Match box outer skillets

Original Printing Press   

2009 Electronic Futures Calendar

Type Electronic Calendar Type Electronic Calendar Collects volumes of information in one placein an easily searchable format

Center for Futures Education Inc   


Calendar Calendar Professional creative design are provided for all kinds of calendar. Every stages of production are controled by computer for best quality.



This calendar features a dozen reproductions of Charles Marion Russell's western paintings. This beau This calendar features a dozen reproductions of Charles Marion Russell's western paintings. This beau Charles Russell CalendarThis calendar features a dozen reproductions ofCharl

Leanin' Tree, inc   


Use Photo Frame Use Photo Frame 2009 Inside Triathlon Calendar - $13.95 2009 Inside Triathlon Calendarby The editors of Inside TriathlonCollected by the editors of Inside Triathlon, here's a full year of the best photographs in triathlon, from Wildflower to Kona Full color photog


Desk Calendar

Style Table Calendar Style Table Calendar 95602S ATN-A Matt Silver Colour Alum Size 95 x 62 x 3 mm Material 0.8 mm (Alum)



This nearly business card sized calendar is padded (glued along the top edge) onto thin cardboard and has no adhesive strip on t This nearly business card sized calendar is padded (glued along the top edge) onto thin cardboard and has no adhesive strip on t This nearly business c



Type Printing Calendar Type Printing Calendar Calendar Most everyone- from the most sophisticated executive to the youthful student- and those in between, have a need for simple but sophisticated and streamlined ways to capture and organize information in written and printed form

GTD Summit   

Events Calendar

Make 2009 your best year yet! Grow, learn and network with like-minded individuals Make 2009 your best year yet! Grow, learn and network with like-minded individuals Make 2009 your best year yet! Grow, learn and network with like-minded individuals. Join Michelle as she facilitat

Michelle Clarke Life Coaching   

World Scenic Executive Promotional Calendars

Promotional Yes Promotional Yes The spectacular photos make the calendar a wonderful addition to any wall in the home or office.

adco marketing   


Type Printing Calendar Type Printing Calendar Exclusive Lokta paper hand printed Calendar 2007 Exclusive Lokta paper hand printed Calendar 2007. Specially design to keep your day by day memory to endure for centuries resting on durability of this handmade paper, with traditional

Handicrafts & Agricultural Services Nepal Pvt. Ltd.   

Rex - R-620-Calendar

Style Table Calendar Style Table Calendar Rex - R-620-Calendar Material Vinyl Color White Minimum Production Time 20,30 day(s) Size 1 1/16" x 6 3/8" x .020", 1 1/4" x 6 3/8" x .020" Heat laminated 6" vinyl ruler with stock calendar design, 1 1/16" or 1 1/4" x 6 3/8" x .020". Viny

Central PA Advertising Agency & Marketing Firm   


Style Table Calendar Type Printing Calendar Style Table Calendar Type Printing Calendar CALENDARS Be sure to show your appreciation to your valued customers by printing calendars and notebooks from Flyers King. We have various designs to choose from which suits to your needs. If



Calender WNC 007 Calender WNC 007

Western Nepal Crafts Pvt.Ltd.