SMS Scheduler SMS Scheduler Never forget to send Greetings & wishes to your loved ones...Just create a SMS Schedule, add the date/time and number and the SMS will be sent of the scheduled date & time. You can even sent SMS to multiple recipients.
Type Programming & Development Type Programming & Development software for business need Help people collaborate, promote better teamwork and faster decision making Harness the collective creativity of employees, partners and customers. Improve productivity Keep everyone in touch
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server SHOPtrack software Server - Manages the master database Manager - Manages all parts, operator, machine informationReporter - Generates productivity reportsStation - Manages communication with machinesViewer - Enables to view statu
Type Programming & Development Type Programming & Development Enterprise Resource Planning ERP solutions Our ERP solutions ORION Enterprise ORION Enterprise, which is an ERP II solutions offering, is meticulously structured to also meet your future needs in different processes ra
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Application Development Platforms JAVA (core JAVA, EJB, Spring, WebWork, Velocity, SWING, Hibernate) C,Visual C++ (MFC and STL) C# .NET (WinForms and ASP .NET applications) Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL Server and Ingres Key Development
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server ASW-250 is an evolution of the highly successful ASW-35 software ASW-250 is an evolution of the highly successful ASW-35 software. ASW-250 supports the APN-35 two-reader controller at a very low cost per site. The ASW-250 software
Type Book Type Book Anant Vision is suite of web based software products for manufacturing organizations. Anant Vision is suite of web based software products for manufacturing organizations. While some other modules are under development, a module for customer order booking is a
The Weather Station is a complete fixed mast mounted weather data collection system. The Weather Station is a complete fixed mast mounted weather data collection system. It contains a barometer, thermometer and hygrometer in a single enclosure, an anemometer (wind speed & directi
Delivery Time Ex Stock Package Box with CD and Hardware Key Supply Ability 100 Piece/Pieces per Day Minimum Order Quantity 1 Piece/Pieces Payment Terms T/T Port Mumbai Fob Price Other22000Mumbai Compound Mode Label Design Place of Origin Maharashtra India Model Number Label Matri
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Millennium Software Productions prevents costly network security problems by having a visual, automated and configured platfor Millennium Software Productions prevents costly network security problems by having a visual, automated
SoftWeigh - The On-line Weighing Software enables to capture the On-line weight SoftWeigh - The On-line Weighing Software enables to capture the On-line weight for the empty trucks and loaded trucks from the weighing terminal attached to the computer and to store it into the data
The JASCO ChromPass Chromatography Data System is a state-of-the-art, Chromatography software platform. The JASCO ChromPass Chromatography Data System is a state-of-the-art, Chromatography software platform. It provides JASCO HPLC system control, data acquisition, processing and
Type Programming & Development Type Programming & Development The Preview Tool is a web-based tool The Preview Tool is a web-based tool to automate the Peer Review activities and improve the quality of software development projects in an SEI CMM Level 3 framework.
Type Educational & Reference Type Educational & Reference The "Ezee-Dex DISC" is a fully researched supplier information database referenced to over 62 000 South African companies Supplier information at the click of a buttonThe sole function of the "Ezee-Dex DISC" is to give you
PITRAM(management system ) PITRAM is a mine production management system that records and controls mine site operations using automated GPS/telemetry or voice radio. PITRAM provides production and activity reports at any time, allowing management to view the location and status o
BankMill- iRetail (bankingsoftware) BankMill" - iRetail is a browser-based, user-friendly application that allows a banks customer to conduct banking operations on the WWW by using a login name and a password. A bank installs this product on top of its existing databases and bran
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server EmbeddedHints DLL to display text messages/hints from a web server (e g. "update available)