Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Name Indulekha Media Network Account Type Current Account (Premium) indulekha mobi is a group sms service which has an online interface to create and manage a system for sending alerts to mobile phones. Through its intuitive and
E-SMART_HR is an intelligent back-end web based HR application via high speed internet technologies & web browser The security aspect of E-SMART_HR application will be managed by encrypting 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) which is the highest level of security protocol & widel
QBCons Query Desk is a user-friendly web-based customer issue tracking software application that eases communication Should your company be subject to travel logbooks and call-out fees, then Time Sheet Management is the answer. Travel kilometres and time travelled can be captured
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Alchemy Eye is a network monitor that continuously monitors network server availability and performance With Alchemy Eye you can build server availability reports showing how long your servers were unavailable, what network errors
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Magnetic Infotech has a wide variety of products in the development stream Magnetic Native Code Developer Tool Helps in identifying and retrieving data definitions from legacy systems, COBOL copybooks, DB Schemas, ASCII Delimited
Type Educational & Reference Type Educational & Reference , government organizations and educational institutions in India, USA, Australia, Dubai, Egypt and more. Features Phishing Pharming Prevention Spyware Blocker Multi-Link Manager & Failover Bandwidth Management Gateway leve
An effective battery monitoring system is the best way to ensure battery fault diagnosis and provide battery remote monitoring An effective battery monitoring system is the best way to ensure battery fault diagnosis and provide battery remote monitoring. But until now the hardwar
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Web-based Integrated Software Call for presentation and software demo BackOffice allows you to control and secure every parts of your system a given user has access to. You can even check every changes made by the user to a given
Practice Management System ITEM 1-3 Virtuosity - Practice Management System A full practice management system that can be used by Healthcare Practitioners such as Doctors, Specialists, etc. to manage their practice.
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server integrate several different processes and the flow of data in a single complex computational software these are software systems which integrate several different processes and the flow of data in a single complex computational so
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server stlsd has made such a head-start in a short span of time that its product portfolio is evidently making its competitors sit up Our modules are developed to work on a client server environment operating on Windows NT using RDBMS li
Type Educational & Reference Type Educational & Reference Your Extranet/Intranet Software Solutions Package Take the fast track to a new organizational culture that is multi-lingual and we will assist you in taming the beast. If you are a community based organization, post your p
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Together with PQView , PQWeb enables utility and industrial users to view power quality data via a Web browser program Together with PQView?, PQWeb? enables utility and industrial users to view power quality data via a Web browser
Place of Origin Andhra Pradesh India Brand Name All Type Networking & Server Place of Origin Andhra Pradesh India Brand Name All Type Networking & Server For more details contacts us. At VBB Solutions our team is specially trained in all facets of our clients, including their pro
MOVIAS Pro provides a robust means to track 2D data in and outside a laboratory setting. Data such as displacements, angles, velocities, accelerations, area, power, etc. are displayed in a table or graphic form in a matter of seconds. This data is synchronized with the playback o
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Source Code written in C
Type Book Type Book Our services always keep this focus on 100% customer satisfaction AlHoshan Outsourcing services has allowed organizations to achieve market leading performance, penetrate new markets, enjoy new revenue streams and increase profits. The increased need to focus
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server CX-Online software packages allow the user to configure, manage and maintain an online access control system
MIT Sales Order Disk Description Description This system allows users to keep track of customers' order, deliveries and invoicing of delivered goods from the time sales order is issued until full delivery to invoicing. Delivery Order and Invoices are automatically generated upon
Place of Origin Cheshire United Kingdom Type Management Place of Origin Cheshire United Kingdom Type Management ITD Catersoft software for Take Away and Restuarant. ITD has been developing software for the fast food and retail industry, since year 2000. The company currently empl