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computer SOFTWARE

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Operating System Server Desktop Applications Infrastructure Office Productivity Security Operating System Server Desktop Applications Infrastructure Office Productivity Security Antivirus Anti spam IDS IPS Firewall Management tool

PC Solutions Pvt Ltd   

Supervision systems

Monitoring, logging and programming software Main Features" Overall plant monitoring" Storage of temperature, humidity, pressure, alarms" Display and printing in numerical and graphic form of stored data" Export of stored data for Excel* or others" Diagnostics with dynamic graphs

LAE Electronic Spa   

Plant Automation Solutions

The companys expertise in supporting a wide array of PLC and Software platforms including Allen Bradley, Mitsubishi, Siemens

Kevin Technologies Pvt Ltd   

Conax CAS7 Voucher Server

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Conax CAS7 Messaging for sending text messages to STBs.

Conax Access Systems Pvt Ltd   

Building on Demand service

Type Programming & Development Type Programming & Development Achieving new software applications could be a complex task for any company, organization or individual Achieving new software applications could be a complex task for any company, organization or individual, especiall


Alchemy software

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Alchemy software provides an ideal archive to store and manage all documents and data your organization needs retain. Over and above all this Alchemy is both easy to use and deploy and invariably stable providing a simple yet reli

Digital Archiving Systems   

Datalinx software

3rd Party complimentary software for Sage ERP, or used in stand-alone implementations. The above systems can integrate with varying versions of Sage software so you can truly make Sage a real-time information system for your shop-floor, warehouse management or for your payroll. D

Gold Disk Computers Limited   

MyTraQ Mobile Safety Software

To easily connect third party mobile phones with integrated GPS to the SafeLinQ platform. Suitable for Symbian series 60 devices (such as Nokia N95, 6110 navigator and E90) Suitable for Windows Mobile 5.0 and higher devices (preferred min 400mhz processor and 32M bit of free FLAS

Locate Technologies (Pty)Ltd   

Beehive Content Management System

Type Programming & Development Type Programming & Development BeeHive is a Content Management System, developed in Damsun's software development department. To make BeeHive fully flexible and customizable, various site management options have been implemented as modules which can

Damsun Rayaneh Co.,   


Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server software Built upon an open standard server architecture, Discovery Reply Storage Manager is the cost effective solution being able to accommodate a variety of storage infrastructures as direct attached, network attached, storage

Discovery Reply   

lmail software

Type Book Type Book lmail software

Das Technology   


SAGE Pastel's range of accounting, payroll and value-added business software products SAGE Pastel's range of accounting, payroll and value-added business software products are suitable for all types of small and medium size (SME) businesses. SAGE Pastel is the SME market leader i

Cyber Techware Pte Ltd   

Microsoft Servers

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Microsoft Servers

Software Tools

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Find better ways to control your application, improve processes and reduce the footprint of your system. Performance and flexibility allows you to do something new; creating opportunities to innovate, find better ways to control y

Control Techniques   

SIMAK Accounting Software

SIMAK Accounting Software SIMAK Accounting adalah software bisnis terpadu yang mengintegrasikan fungsi-fungsi bisnis perusahaan yang terdiri dari Inventory Pembelian Penjualan Hutang Piutang Kas Bank - General Ledger serta Laporan. Applikasi ini memadukan proses bisnis standard d

Takari Sumber Mulia PT   

Trust Accounting System

Track trust accounts for nursing homes and hospitals.

Computerease Limited