Model Number SM-75-GPD Brand Name asya life Model Number SM-75-GPD Brand Name asya life MODEL SM-75-GPD Water production capacity of 270 liters (24 hours) Unused chemical product is a physical system 2 year warr TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Article Requirements 1. AA Nominal voltage
Technical Specifications Flow Rate 15 LPH KRO-SS 10/20 Technical Specifications Flow Rate 15 LPH Cooling Capacity 10 Ltrs. Storage Capacity 20 Ltrs. Watts 195 Height 1100mm Width 310mm Diameter 310mm Stabilizer Req. 500 W
Model Number QF-SP 005 Brand Name AQUA FLOW Place of Origin Taiwan Model Number QF-SP 005 Brand Name AQUA FLOW Place of Origin Taiwan 10" PP & Carbon filter (Convex head) 10" PP & Carbon filter (Convex head) Filter
ISI 7000 series suspended solid monitor monitor Frequency 1235 ItemNoISI 7000 series ProductNamesuspended solid monitor MarkISI DistributorshipLuzcogi International Co., Ltd. Pricecontact us
Superior performance in your laboratory The Young Lin Basic 360 Series is the water purification system that produces pure water from tap or underground water This system can reject more than 99% of inorganic and organic contaminants in the feed water. Model aquaMAXTM-Basic 360 a
Ozone is more effective in destroying odors than household chemicals are because it actually The W-2500 and W-5000 are high concentration wall-mounted ozone generators. Both are designed to quickly remove persistent odors in your home or business, e g. smoking, cooking, pets, uri
This system is fitted with 4 filters and a RO-membrane. It also has a booster pump to feed water is insufficient. The system has an membrane and it is ideally suited 5STAGE Booster Computer
80% of all Human Diseases are water-borne DESIGN OR SPECIFICATION SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 80% of all Human Diseases are water-borne, Cholera and Hepatitis, may be breeding in your water. Typhoid, Para Typhoid, Amebic Dysentry, Polio, Myelitus Infections, Hepatitis (Jaund
40 to 55 GPH Natural Gas/Propane Heat 375 Gallon Capacity The Model 375G is a natural gas or propane heated waste water evaporator. It is available in two models, the Model 375G Carbon Steel version and the Model 375G-SS 316L Stainless Steel version (tank, floor, lid, covers, and
* One of the five Marine Care Water Treatment Products. Diesel engine cooling water corrosion and scale inhibitor in liquid form, suitable for "closed circuit" systems * One of the five Marine Care Water Treatment Products. * Suitable for slow, medium and high speed engines. * Ef
The Trunz water desalination box TSB 001 is complete and ready to deploy for mobile or stationary use The Trunz water desalination box TSB 001 is complete and ready to deploy for mobile or stationary use with external energy supply. It provides approximately 3.800 l (1.000 Gallon
The Reverse Osmosis water purification system produces soft water 5 Stage Reverse Osmosis The Reverse Osmosis water purification system produces soft water. Water is forced under pressure through an RO membrane that is an extremely tight sheet of a specially prepared filtering fi
6-STAGE REVERSE OSMOSIS PROCESS 6-STAGE REVERSE OSMOSIS PROCESS 1 ST Stage When water enters through 5 micron Polypropylene sediment, pre-filter removes suspended materials like dirt, dust, mud & particles down to 5-micron. 2 ST Stage Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) filter to abs
Model Number AWAT-800 Brand Name ANAMX Place of Origin Taiwan Model Number AWAT-800 Brand Name ANAMX Place of Origin Taiwan water treatment equipment with 800 gallon per day in capacity Membrane 4021*1pc + 1HP Pump, 2 flow meter, 2 pressure guage, Ic controller, power switch, Adj
2.5" dia, 0.75" tube The TS80, TS82, and TS83 nanofiltration (NF) membranes are based on proprietary and patented technology developed by DuPont. The unique chemistry of these membranes allow them to have lower organic fouling than standard '344 type NF membranes. These memebrnae
- 100 liter per hour - 100 liter per hour - 100 MS, RO 100 SS & RO 100 DLX - High quality systems built to meet your flow requirements for residential, shops, schools, hospitals etc.
RC-4 is made of natural and biodegradable ingredients; bacteria and enzymes which rapidly digest septic sludge Monthly use (if your tank has a capacity of 1,000 gallons or less) RC-4 is totally safe and easy to use. All you have to do is pour the suggested amount once a month int
Stage Reverse Osmosis with Release Valve (Black)Item # H20-ROR-5B Nominal Rejection Characteristics of Reverse Osmosis Membrane Reverse Osmosis is the process by which ordinary tap water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane, leaving certain unwanted substances behind. Thes
One 25 ml bottle of electrolyte One membrane cartridge One set of internal o-rings
1. Install and submerge diffuser. Diffuser should be parallel to the water surface for best efficiency. 2? x 12 DIFFUSER OPERATION 1. Install and submerge diffuser. Diffuser should be parallel to the water surface for best efficiency. 2. On startup, if the diffuser is dry, allow