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Lightweight Walking Frames Elderly - YC1502

This Walkers without Wheels, the Model YC1502 is an Adjustable Aluminum Folding Walker, have a rubber tip on the bottom of each of the four legs. To walk, you stand inside the frame, grasp the handles on each side, lift the walker, place it down a few inches in front of you, and

YATTLL Industry Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 16:09:25 ]

12.5 inch Wheel, Pu Solid Aluminum Rim For Light Weight Electric Wheelchair

This spareparts of the wheels are suitable for all styles of electric chair wheels from YATTLL, the wheels are sturdy and wear-resistant for better weighability. As a wheelchair supplier in china, we provide electric wheelchair replacement wheels, electric wheelchair wheels for s

YATTLL Industry Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 16:06:55 ]

Colonial Flowers & Gift Shoppe Ltd.

Florist in Brockville, ON .

Colonial Flowers & Gift Shoppe Ltd.      [2023-07-07 15:40:09 ]

Handheld Fiber Laser Cleaning Machine

产品介绍 激光清洗是一种基于激光与材料相互作用的新技术,它 可以去除物体表面的污染物和附着物。相比 传统的清洗方式,激光清洗具有非接触式、不损伤 基材,精确清洗,环保,在线可用性,特别是 适用

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 15:38:34 ]

CW High Power Laser Cleaning Machines

Product Description High power CW laser cleaning equipment adopts single-mode continuous fiber laser source. The laser power is continuously adjustable. It has higher photoelectric conversion efficiency (>30%), better and more stable beam quality, and stronger anti-high reaction

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 15:33:40 ]

Suitcase Fiber Laser Cleaning Machine

产品描述 TXT-LC 系列 激光除锈设备是一种 手提箱 式机器 。外观与旅行箱相同,非常容易携带和移动。也是与您一起在飞机上飞行的最佳演示机。我们还批准添加手机APP控制系统。 它可以高效、高性能、低成本地

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 15:30:48 ]

Backpack Laser Cleaning Machine

TXT 50W backpack laser cleaning machine is a laser cleaning tool launched by TXT. The cleaning machine has many advantages such as portable and lightweight, flexible and adjustable parameters, wireless control, etc., which can efficiently remove rust, stains, and oil on the surfa

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 15:27:22 ]

Pure Moving Company Los Angeles Movers Local & Long distance

Need a trusted mover in Los Angeles to help you get from A to B safely and comfortably? We are your local premium customer service moving company in Los Angeles, bringing many years of experience in residential and commercial moving, plus local and long-distance moving. Our exper

Pure Moving Company Los Angeles Movers Local & Long distance      [2023-07-07 15:19:29 ]

Robot Laser Welding Machine

Product Description Automatic industrial robot arm laser welding system is a automation system which equip a robot arm to hold laser welding head to 3D welding. Especially suitable for welding of various components of the laser precision. Production efficiency is increased 8 time

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 15:13:50 ]

Table Laser Welding Machine

产品描述 光纤连续焊接 机采用连续光纤激光器,通过对激光脉冲宽度、能量、重复频率等参数的数字控制,将工件熔化形成特定的熔池,从而实现对加工工件的激光焊接。 广泛应用于 手机电池外壳、电子元器件

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 15:08:20 ]

Handheld Laser Welding Machine

Product Description The hand-held fiber laser welding machine changes the traditional welding method, using a high-intensity laser beam as the heat source for welding, and is equipped with a hand-held welding head to replace the previous fixed optical path. It has the advantages

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 15:03:56 ]

High Precision Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

Product Description 1. The equipment adopts inward opening side sliding doors, which effectively reduces the door opening height and is suitable for lower floors. 2. The design of the operating screen shaft is convenient for the operator to debug the parameters. The software adop

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 14:59:38 ]

3D Robot Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

产品描述 光纤激光器机器人柔性3D切割系统专为大批量激光切割环境而设计,将大大提高您的生产效率和准确性,从而为您的市场提供卓越的产品。 我们使用库卡或ABB机器人,其精度为+/- 0.05mm,最大定位速度为30

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 14:56:29 ]

Professional Tube Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

产品描述 我公司生产 的专业管 光纤激光切割机性价比高 设备,由光纤激光系统、冷水机、激光切割头 、旋转装置、 夹紧装置、控制系统 、吹气系统、 排气系统作为激光、运动 、 电力一体化产品组成。 它专

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 14:50:09 ]

Metal Plate And Tube Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

产品描述 TXT-TP 系列 双驱动 激光切割 板材 管材一体机采用龙门式双面驱动结构,加工板材尺寸 为3 000m× 15 00毫米。Y轴采用独家专利设计,加长钢结构梁,动态性能好。该机床结构紧凑,刚性足够,可靠性好,切

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 14:44:56 ]

Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Open Style

产品描述 TXT-FS系列 数控光纤激光 切割机 采用开放式机身, 切割 速度快,成品切割缝窄,实现复杂轮廓切割无困难,切割表面光滑,无毛刺,无需后续处理。主要切削领域是金属合金、塑料、非金属材料等。机

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 14:41:00 ]

MA500 High-capacity Top Loading Washing Machine

Midea MA500 equips with power boost agitator & tub clean, delivering easy washing operation, better washing effect and good protection of your health. MA500 is designed with higher back control panel, which provides you with the best view to do the laundry operation. The built-in

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED      [2023-07-07 14:37:14 ]

Fiber Laser Cutting Machine With Fully Enclosed Cover And Exchange Table

产品描述 TXT-GH-EX系列 数控光纤激光切割机切割速度快,成品件切割缝窄,实现复杂轮廓切割无困难,切割表面光滑,无毛刺,无需后续处理。主要切削领域是金属合金、塑料、非金属材料等。机械设计理念不仅

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 14:36:56 ]

MA100 Deep-Clean Top Loading Washing Machine

Midea MA100 with Auto Clean & Deep Clean system, deliver healthy and cleaning washing performance. Integrated with program display and process tracking, Lunar Dial makes all the washing status easy to find. Additionally, soft close matte glass lid prevent the finger being pinched

WUXI LITTLE SWAN COMPANY LIMITED      [2023-07-07 14:36:53 ]

Large Size/Big Format Fiber Laser Marking Machine

产品描述 本机采用 先进的高速齿轮导轨龙门结构,振动头和打标头在三维方向上移动,实现大幅面的无缝拼接和打标。可广泛应用于大幅面产品的打标。如:大型金属广告牌、标牌、电梯、汽车配件、五金工具

Wuhan Tianxingtong Photoelectricity Technology Co., Ltd      [2023-07-07 14:33:28 ]