ModelNumber transformer_350 ModelNumber transformer_350 Power Transformers
HS CODE 86 OPTION (REF.)18.0 ~ 25.0 (REF.)32.0 ~ 56.0 CPT2813~4919 CAPACITY DIMENSION(B) DIMENSION(A) TYPE
Power transformers Main Uses ..................................................... Power transformers Advantages ..................................................... Reduction of workforce, increase in the product conductivity maintaining the same section thanks to the high peri
LED Driver - 12VDC Regulated 30 Watt Waterproof Driver (PS12030WP) Waterproof Transformer using PWM Technology to ensure high stability and high efficiency. Capable of driving up to 6 High Power 3 Watts LED Lamps. Product No PS12030WP Shipping time in stock 24hrs
Switching Transformer For Switching power supply * Low temperature rising * design for Hi frequency * Line filter / main trans
Power Transformers (upto 16 MVA, 33 KV).
HS CODE 8504349030 This is a transformer provided with a function to check deterioration status of insulating oil having direct effect on transformer life span in real time at activated condition in order to prevent accidents such as transformer damage due to deterioration of ins
Application for Power factor compensator APFC Circuit, driveand feedback transformer etc..
Pad Mounted Transformer ApplicationA pad-mounted transformer is specifically designed for applications of underground distirbution loads, apartments, schools, shopping centers, or industrial plants For radial or loop feed applications, both live front or dead front construction i
Vacuum Circuit Breakers up to 36KV, 2500A, 40KA * Distribution Transformers up to 36KV, 2500KVA* Power Transformers up to 245KV, 250MVA* Furnace Duty Transformers up to 145KV, 10MVA* Single Phase Track side Transformers up to 145KV, 31 MVA* Cast Resin Transformers ulp to 36KV, 31
HS CODE 8504349030 FEATURES Compact disign High reliability High efficiency APPLICATIONS Air cleaner Ozon & ion generator Water purifier Dust collector