Touch & Talk Speech Communication & Therapy Software (USB Version) The Touch & Talk speech communication and therapy software system is designed for patients suffering from speech disabilities and assumes that the patient has or retains the ability to read and form sentences to p
Delivery Time 10 working days after the order Package The purchased server and client licenses will be installed on the customer's hardware by our specialized personnel. Together with the installation, a basic education course is also provided. Travel expenses and worked hours wi
Compound Mode Integrated System Place of Origin Maharashtra India Model Number Tally 9.0 Brand Name Tally Type Management Compound Mode Integrated System Place of Origin Maharashtra India Model Number Tally 9.0 Brand Name Tally Type Management For Total Solutions in Tally 9. 0 Cu
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ModelNumber MICROPOWER-I LCD Type Programming & Development ModelNumber MICROPOWER-I LCD Type Programming & Development EPROM Programmer to program 2716 to 27256 fully software controlled. Intel 8085A CPU on board @ 6.144 MHz Clock speed. Supports 8051 CPU as Piggy Back board ava
Type Programming & Development Type Programming & Development in outsourcing software development in outsourcing software development for test and measurement using the offshore (remote) development model. Soliton works with system integrators and test engineering teams around th
Transmission tower Application for Telecommunications
Grace Period for late marking WINARMS BASIC FEATURES DESCRIPTION OF FEATURES PARAMETRIZED RULES SET- UP TO SELECT FROM " Grace Period for late marking " Grace limit for late coming beyond which person will be marked half day absent " Early going grace period setting " Any number
5MB of minimum hard disk space. This optional software configuration tool is designed for use with the Si-TEC Xtend range of digital products by providing a convenient user interface from a Personal Computer. Main Screen (Click images to view full size...) Set Point AdjustmentsSe
Sources Available .PSD; .PHP; Template Info Item number 18068 Author DeltaDownloads 3Sources Available .PSD;.PHP;SOFTWARE REQUIRED Adobe Photoshop CS+;Adobe Dreamweaver (or any php-editor);Joomla! 1.0;For uncompressing a template ZIP package WinZip 9+ (Windows);Stuffit Expande
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server HS CODE 8473304050 This is a vision system for automatic reading of Wafer-ID(identification) on wafers in semiconductor manufacturing process. The system is composed of vision controller, camera, and optics. Various image processi
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Kiosk tool Operational aspects Technological aspects Description
Type Programming & Development Type Programming & Development HS CODE 8525202000 Features Speed product development from design to production by integrating LabVIEW closely with other top design and simulation tools to bring measurements to all phases of product development. In c
SOFTWARE In less than five minutes you can have a website for your business or personal site live on the internet Over 172,000 people just like you have used TafitiBuilder to build professional websites, complete with web pages, photo albums, email, links and more without ever ha
The system handles all transactions and operations needed to define employees on system clock. Time Attendance System This system assets and organizes' employees sign in and sign out from the organization manually or using attendance clock exists in the organization with differen
Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server HS CODE 8525209900 Summary With Mobile ThinClient, common programs for individual PCs are installed in the server system where all programs are processed. According to a request from user connected to the server, the server's prog