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Clear Conductive Polycarbonate Sheet for Carrier Tape

The clear conductive Polycarbonate sheet is best utilized for clear conductive ESD safe carrier tape manufacturing. The resultant carrier tape and/or spacer is capable of providing permanent ESD protection to transport your electrostatic-sensitive device even at low temperature a

Evervictory Acutech Corporation      [2013-09-23 11:17:25 ]

Thermoform Clear Conductive PET Sheet

Description The thermoform clear conductive polyester sheet is ideal for thermoforming and vacuum forming processes to produce clear, see-through ESD safe packaging for today’s modern electrostatic sensitive microelectronics and semiconductor IC devices. The thermoform clear co

Evervictory Acutech Corporation      [2013-09-23 11:08:25 ]

China Testosterone Propionate powder

Name China Testosterone Propionate powder product name androlin CAS NO 57-85-2 Content 98% Testosterone Propionate Apperance white or off-white crystal Origin China Storage shading, confined preservation. Testosterone Propionate is a steroid hormone from the androgen and is found

Zhuhai Jiaxinkang Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd.      [2013-09-23 10:42:50 ]

China Testosterone decanoate white powder

Name China Testosterone decanoate white powder CAS Number 5721-91-5 EINECS 227-226-4 content 98%Testosterone decanoate Appearance White to almost white crystalline powder Origin China Storage shading, confined preservation Testosterone decanoate is a steroid hormone from the andr

Zhuhai Jiaxinkang Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd.      [2013-09-23 10:42:10 ]

China Testosterone Undecanoate powder

Product name China Testosterone Undecanoate powder Trade name Andriol CAS No. 5949-44-0 content Testosterone Undecanoate 98% Appearance pale yellow white crystalline powder Storage shading, confined preservation. Testosterone undecanoate or testosterone undecylate is an ester of

Zhuhai Jiaxinkang Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd.      [2013-09-23 10:41:14 ]

China Testosterone Phenylpropionate white powder

Name China Testosterone Phenylpropionate white powder CAS Number 57-85-2 content 98% Testosterone Phenylpropionate Appearance off-white crystalline powder Storage shading, confined preservation. Testosterone Phenylpropionate is a steroid hormone from the androgen and is found in

Zhuhai Jiaxinkang Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd.      [2013-09-23 10:39:34 ]

China Testosterone Enanthate white powder

Product name China Testosterone Enanthate white powder Trade name Testosterone depot CAS No. 315-37-7 Content 98% Testosterone Enanthate powder Appearance off-white crystalline powder Origin China Storage shading, confined preservation. Testosterone Enanthate is a steroid hormone

Zhuhai Jiaxinkang Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd.      [2013-09-23 10:38:26 ]

China Testosterone Cypionate powder

rance white crystl powder testosterone cypionate is a steroid hormone from the androgen and is found in mammals and other vertebrates, testosterone cypionate is primarily secreted in the tests of mails and the ovaries of female, although small amount are also secreted by the adre

Zhuhai Jiaxinkang Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd.      [2013-09-23 10:29:57 ]

China Testosterone isocaproate white powder

Name China Testosterone isocaproate white powder CAS NO 15262-86-9 Content 99% testosterone isocaproate Apperance off-white crystalline powder Storage shading, confined preservation. Testosterone Isocaproate got its introduction to the steroid world by appearing in both Omnadren

Zhuhai Jiaxinkang Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd.      [2013-09-23 10:25:42 ]

Chlordehydromethyltestosterone(Turinabol) white powder ingredient

Chlordehydromethyltestosterone(Turinabol) white powder ingredient Trade name Turinabol CAS 13103-34-9 type androgenic hormone content 99% Origin china supplier Chlordehydromethyltestosterone(Turinabol) is synthetic androgen which can enhance the growing of man genitals. using met

Zhuhai Jiaxinkang Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd.      [2013-09-23 10:18:35 ]

China Tadalafil/Cialis white powder

Name China Tadalafil/Cialis white powder Category Pharmaceutical raw materials powder Tadalafil purity 99% chemical formula C22H19N3O4 Tadalafil/Cialis molecular weight 389.341 CAS No 171596-29-5 Packing as your require Quality standard USP31/BP2005 Description white crystalline

Zhuhai Jiaxinkang Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd.      [2013-09-23 10:13:21 ]

China Tamoxifen Citrate powder

Product name China Tamoxifen Citrate powder Trade name nolvadex CAS NO 10540-29-1 Molecular Formula 10540-29-1 Tamoxifen Citrate Molecular Weight 563.65 Tamoxifen Citrate Content 99% Quality standard USP31 Apperance white to milk white crystalline powder Packing as your require S

Zhuhai Jiaxinkang Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd.      [2013-09-23 09:54:54 ]

Wild dog traps another versatile device to control pest animals

狗陷阱协助减少您的经济损失显着 野狗或称为野狗,被视为他们的伤害国内家畜和经济成本为害虫的动物,在许多地方。 野犬是猖獗的地方在一些地区,农民或土地管理者被迫,减少羊控股或取代他们的牛。 这

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd      [2013-09-23 09:51:07 ]

Rabbit traps come to rescue of your lovely garden

人文兔陷阱 - 你的花园最好的朋友和保护者 打破你的花园野兔吗? 你有没有想过驾驶他们远离你的房子吗? 兔子是一个共同的敌人和园林植物害虫的动物。 他们可以吃裁剪其茎,芽和小括号,并通过环剥较大的

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd      [2013-09-23 09:50:45 ]

Possum traps protect your garden plants from damage

如何捕捉负鼠在现场陷阱? 负鼠是一个大约2-3和4-15磅重的小到中型的小动物。 他们家有长的口鼻部和狭窄的大脑。 他们喜欢挖掘植物的根,并带他们到垃圾桶。 负鼠陷阱镀锌丝,延长寿命。 还提供了更好的性

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd      [2013-09-23 09:50:26 ]

Feral cat traps strong enough of trapping feral cats

野性猫陷阱有助于解决你的房子周围的野猫威胁 野猫一直头痛的许多人,城市为他们巨大的人口和财产和环境的损害。 我们的野猫陷阱已被证明有效的方法来处理野猫问题。 坚固的铁丝网,敏感的触发系统和安

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd      [2013-09-23 09:50:08 ]

Raccoon traps makes raccoon trapping easy and simple

浣熊人性化的陷阱停止伤害动物免受滋扰 浣熊是很好奇,聪明,有点有点大男子主义的动物。 他们是约12“高,体重从15 - 48磅。 他们很容易识别其独特的着色和环纹的尾巴。 浣熊人性化的疏水阀已蔬菜园1号驱

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd      [2013-09-23 09:49:01 ]

Squirrel traps versatile humane weapons to deal with squirrels

保护你的财产松鼠松鼠陷阱 松鼠进入一个阁楼 松鼠松鼠控制陷阱是人道和有效的替代品。 我们的松鼠人性化的陷阱成各种尺寸和类型。 与市场上的竞争对手相比,我们的鼠笼陷阱动物在运输过程中,确保自己有

Loveget Animal Traps Co., Ltd      [2013-09-23 09:48:50 ]

Trenbolone Acetate yellow powder

Name Trenbolone Acetate yellow powder Trenbolone Acetate Content 99% powder CAS 10161-34-9 Molecular Formula C20H24O3 Trenbolone Acetate Quality standard Enterprise Standard Apperance yellow crystalline powder Packing as your require Storage shading, confined preservation. Trenbo

Zhuhai Jiaxinkang Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd.      [2013-09-23 09:48:47 ]

Trenbolone Enanthate powder

Trenbolone Enanthate powder Trenbolone Enanthate assy 99% CAS No 472-61-546 Package 1kg/foil bag Appearance yellow crystalline powder Quanlity standerd company standerd Storage ventilate, air tight Trenbolone is a steroid used by veterinarians on livestock to increase muscle grow

Zhuhai Jiaxinkang Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd.      [2013-09-23 09:47:46 ]