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Protective clothing acid and alkali resistance test equipment

Protective clothing acid and alkali resistance test equipment is used to determine acid and alkali impermeability of permeable acid and alkali protective clothing. Application: GB 24540-2009 protective clothing for acid and alkali chemicals. Working principle The resistance of

Standard International Group (HK) Limited      [2025-01-08 14:44:29 ]

Washing Resistance Color Fastness Tester

应用 水洗褪色试验设备 ,用于根据 ISO、AATCC 标准确定洗涤或干洗色牢度。 洗涤牢度测试仪使用不锈钢转子在四个侧面各固定一个洗涤罐,并以恒定的 40 rpm(+/-2 rpm)旋转。洗涤罐在适当的测试溶液中预热。 容

Standard International Group (HK) Limited      [2025-01-08 14:42:16 ]

Synthetic Blood Penetration Tester for Medical Face Mask

本 合成血液穿透试验仪 合成血液渗透测试仪特点: 1、口罩夹具为金属人头模,能充分模拟口罩实际使用状态。 2、金属人头模可一定角度旋转,方便试样装夹。 3、专门设计的喷射控制装置,可在控制的时间内

Standard International Group (HK) Limited      [2025-01-08 14:40:36 ]

G506 Mask Automatic Filter Performance Tester

G275干态落穗试验仪,该试验仪用于鉴定无纺布在干态条件下的落穗试验,主要适用于鉴定医疗防护用(手术单、手术衣、洁净服等)原料无纺布及其他纺织材料的残留性能。 1、测试原理:化妆品在试验室内受到

Standard International Group (HK) Limited      [2025-01-08 14:39:05 ]

Bacterial Filter Tester G299

G299/细菌过滤测试仪适用于医用外科口罩:用于覆盖使用者的口、鼻及下颌,防止微生物侵入。 1.该机由机械、电气两部分组成, 包括负压柜、气路、支架。 2.触摸屏操作简便,配备USB接口 支持数据传输,可通过

Standard International Group (HK) Limited      [2025-01-08 14:35:22 ]

Dry fallen wadding tester G275

G275干态落絮试验仪,该试验仪用于鉴定无纺布在干态条件下的落絮试验,主要适用于鉴定医疗防护用(手术单、手术衣、洁净服等)原料无纺布及其他纺织材料的残留性能。 1、测试原理:化妆品在试验室内受到

Standard International Group (HK) Limited      [2025-01-08 14:33:31 ]

Gakushin Type Rubbing Fastness Tester

Model 238D Stations 6 Rub heads Curved surface R45mm, width 20mm Rub heads load 2N Rub area length 100mm Reciprocal speed 30rpm

Shanghai Qianshi Precision Electromechanical Techn      [2025-01-08 14:17:21 ]

Infectious Disease Portable Test Sampling Booth

产品介绍: 为了更好地保障采样人员的安全,提供舒适的工作环境,我公司设计了可拆卸的核酸采样隔离箱,可以为检测人员提供安全的采样空间。 传染病便携式检测采样亭在核酸采样期间为检测人员提供正压

Standard International Group (HK) Limited      [2025-01-08 14:15:19 ]

fingertip hand abrasion tester

Normal load 1, 5, 10 N (20N optional) Friction path 1 - 40mm Number of cycles 1 -100 million Fluid feed cyclic Fabric feed cyclic Power supply 110 V / 230V

Shanghai Qianshi Precision Electromechanical Techn      [2025-01-08 13:58:21 ]

Bally Type Flexometer

The twelve stations are conveniently arranged for user access and the mounting of samples. A pre-determined counter is fitted to the machine, allowing it to be operated without continuous attendance as the machine stops automatically once the set count is reached.

Shanghai Qianshi Precision Electromechanical Techn      [2025-01-08 13:57:19 ]

Schopper Abrasion and Wear Tester

1. Number of revs 75l/min; 2. Taperangle 166°; 3 .Declination of mounting head support 7°

Shanghai Qianshi Precision Electromechanical Techn      [2025-01-08 13:51:59 ]

Universal Abrasion Resistance Tester

The test runs in automatic mode, ensuring both accurate of the test results with repeatability and eliminating the need for the operator to evaluate the test results; The advanced gripping device ensures constant sample tension.

Shanghai Qianshi Precision Electromechanical Techn      [2025-01-08 13:49:44 ]

Digital Sock Stretch Tester

Digital socks stretching instrument used for the determination of the value of performance testing on extending straight pantyhose, stockings, athletic, swimsuit, knitted pants and laterally extending value, also the dedicated instrument laterally and longitudinally extending all

Shanghai Qianshi Precision Electromechanical Techn      [2025-01-08 13:48:17 ]

ISO 4892 Solar Light Aging Tester Xenon Arc Accelerated Aging Test Chamber

It can well simulate the changes of materials exposed to sunlight under different environmental conditions.

Shanghai Qianshi Precision Electromechanical Techn      [2025-01-08 13:45:33 ]

Aatcc Standard Electric Rubbing Color Fastness Tester

Electronic Crock Meter is used for testing the fastness to dry or wet rubbing and the fastness to brushing of all kinds of colored textiles, motorized operation, auto stop when counts reach pre-set counts.

Shanghai Qianshi Precision Electromechanical Techn      [2025-01-08 13:43:07 ]

Universal Material Tensile Testing Machine

universal testing machine is a high-precision, multi-purpose material testing machine that tests the mechanical properties of various metal materials, non-metal materials, composite materials.

Shanghai Qianshi Precision Electromechanical Techn      [2025-01-08 13:41:37 ]

Textiles and Non-woven textiles Digital Thickness Gauge

The Textiles and Non-woven textiles Digital Thickness Gauge can be used to determine the material thickness of non-woven fabrics, textiles, felts, geomaterials, paper, floor coverings, leather, foils, etc.

Shanghai Qianshi Precision Electromechanical Techn      [2025-01-08 13:38:00 ]

5kn 10kn 20kn 30kn 50kn 100kn Universal Material Tensile Tester

Fast Delivery Parts Of Universal Testing Machine,Tensile Compression Testing Machine,Universal Testing Equipment can test various materials (both finished and semi-finished products ) of tensile strength ,compressive strength and elongation ,can do stripping ,tear strength ,flexu

Shanghai Qianshi Precision Electromechanical Techn      [2025-01-08 13:35:55 ]

KM-5A Particle Abrasion Tester

This instrument uses a single-chip microcomputer to control the stepper motor to drive the grinding drum to rotate and wear the material.

Shanghai Qianshi Precision Electromechanical Techn      [2025-01-08 13:34:14 ]

Reciprocating Cylinder Dissolution Tester

RCWF-1 has double-row sample grade, which can test 14 cups of samples at the same time, which is conducive to the comparison test of the original research test and the test.

Shanghai Qianshi Precision Electromechanical Techn      [2025-01-08 13:33:18 ]