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广州瀚天生物科技有限公司 [2023-04-04 15:07:41 ]
Invengo\'s diversified and balanced hf inlays and nfc inlays product portfolio offers global customers a broad range of options to address the increasing demand from various industries. Innovative HF/NFC antenna design enables end-users to reach and sustain consistently high leve
Invengo Information Technology Co.,Ltd. [2023-04-04 11:10:02 ]
Are Magic Erasers Just Sandpaper? If you\'re someone who takes cleaning seriously, then you\'ve probablycome across a magic block sponge First, it\'s important to note that Topeco Clean magic sponges are not technically sandpaper. They are made of a material called melamine foam,
topeco clean [2023-04-03 14:11:28 ]
Wickr adarose Whatsapp +8613722791040 Email ada@sxboaoke com The safest and fastest delivery could be promised. Within 48 hours after payment we can dispatch the package and send it. Sample order within 10gr could be accepted. So please feel free to contact me when you need my he
Shanxi Boaoke New Material Co., Ltd [2023-04-03 14:07:25 ]
CAS 9005-65-6 MF C24H44O6 MW 428.600006103516 EINECS 500-019-9 Product Categories Ester Et her Type (Surfa ctants);Funct ional Mat erials;Non ionic Surfac tants;Surfact ants;Bioche mistry;Non ionic Surfact ants (for Bioc hemistry);Surfa ctants (for Bioc hemistry);Cos metic Ingred
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-03 11:10:38 ]
Purity >99% Appearances Colou rless liquid Packaging Detail Disc reet Pac kage Origin China Certification GMP, ISO 9001, USP, BP Product Name Ben zyl Alcoh ol (Ba) Usage Mus cle Gai ning Email Amber@aasrawshop com Web www medical-steroids com Whatsapp +63 9054356298
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-03 11:05:27 ]
CAS No. 120-51-4 EC No. 204-402-9 Molecular formula C14H12O2 Molecular weight 212 Properties In stan dard cond itions, be nzyl benz oate is a colorle ss or pale yellow viscous tran sparent liquid. In temper ature condit ions of 17 deg rees cent grade or lower, it will be solidifi
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-03 11:04:36 ]
CAS No. 224785-91-5 Assay 99% Appearance White powder EINECS Molecular formula C23H34Cl2N6O4S Molecular weight 306.44 Molecular structure Melting point 214-216°C Manufacturer Xinrunde Usage It is ph arm aceutical raw ma terial,indi cated for the treat ment of ere ctile dysfun ct
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-03 10:33:41 ]
CAS register number 171599-83-0 Molecular formula C28H38N6O11S Molecular weight 666.7 Melting point 187-189℃ Usage Silde nafil citr ate, sold as Via gra, Rev atio and un der vario us oth er tra de nam es, is a dr ug used to treat rec tile dysfu n ction and pul mon ary arter ia
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-03 10:32:10 ]
CAS 54965-24-1 MF C32H37NO8 MW 563.64 EINECS 259-415-2 Product Categories Active Pharm aceuti cal Ingred ients; Antitu mors for Rese arch and Expe rimental Use; Biochem istry; API\'s; Intrac ellular rece ptor; St eroid and Horm one; API; SOLT AMOX Mol File 54965-24-1.mol Email Am
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-03 10:20:41 ]
Usage As a ther ape utic age nt, Mast eron enj oyed two deca des of succ ess in comb ating adva nced inoper able bre ast can cer in postm eno pau sal women. It would also become a po pular cutting ste roid among body buil ders, which is where Mas teron is curre ntly most com monl
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-03 09:46:39 ]
Product Name: Diana bol Alias: Met hand rosten olone CAS Registry Number: 72-63-9 Einecs No: 200-787-2 Molecular Formula: C20H28O2 Molecular Weight: 300.44 Purity: >99% Grade:Phar mac eutical Gra de Appearance: White Powder Melting Point :164.5-165.5°C Specif
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-03 09:42:44 ]
Email Amber@aasrawshop com Web www medical-steroids com Whatsapp +63 9054356298
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-02 14:23:32 ]
Assay: 99% Appearance:kind of white solid pow der. Usage: indica ted as a sym pat hico lytic and my dri atic. It may have activ ity as an aphro disiac Email Amber@aasrawshop com Web www medical-steroids com Whatsapp +63 9054356298
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-02 14:21:58 ]
Product Name Nand rolone Cypi onate Appre ciate w hite pow der CAS 601-63-8 Eiencs 210-006-7 MW 398.57812 Usage Pha rmaceu tical Ma terial Transport Pac kage Foil Bag or Tin Origin China Email Amber@aasrawshop com Web www medical-steroids com Whatsapp +63 9054356298
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-02 11:08:24 ]
Email Amber@aasrawshop com Web www medical-steroids com Whatsapp +63 9054356298
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-02 11:03:32 ]
Nandr olone Decan oate Powder / Inject able liquid Dur abol 99.5% Deca Deca Quick Detail Nand rolone Deca noate Deca Dura bolin Dura bol Nandr olone Deca noate CAS No 360-70-3 Deca Einecs No 206-639-3 Durabolin MF C28H44O3 Durabol MW 428.65 Deca Purity Nandr olone Dec anoate pu R
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-02 10:43:20 ]
CAS 434-22-0 Alias Nandr olone BaS e; Nand rolone Molecular For mula C19H30O2 Molecular We ight 290.44 Melting point 120-125 °C Email Amber@aasrawshop com Web www medical-steroids com Whatsapp +63 9054356298
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-02 10:38:21 ]
Name 4-Chlorod ehyd romet hyltes toster one Model NO. 2446-23-3 Synonyms Oral turina bol;4-Chlord ehydr oMe thyl Testos terone;4-Chloro deh ydroM ethyl testos terone (oral turina bol) Purity 99% Molecular Formula C20H27ClO2 Molecular Weight 334.88 Appearance White or white cryst
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-02 10:14:55 ]
Product Name Susta non 250 Alias Sust anon, Testos terone blend Composition Testo sterone Propio nate 30 grams, Testo sterone Phenyl propi onate 60 grams,Test ostero ne isocap roate 60 grams,Test ostero ne Dec ano ate 100 grams Proportion 3 6 6 10 Appea rance White powder Email A
MANUFACTURER [2023-04-02 10:00:48 ]