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PulsarUltra Transducers

PulsarUltra Transducers Previously there were high voltage, frequency dependent transducers, susceptible to electrical noise and requiring special, protected interconnection cables, or weak low voltage transducers designed with flammable atmosphere approval and not application pe

Cnftcech Corp.   

Channel transducer for Terresterial TV and CATV programs TEK01

Channel transducer for Terresterial TV and CATV programs TEK01 Channel transducer for Terresterial TV and CATV programs TEK01Intended to signals from terresterial TV or CATV transmitters into a standard TV channel

Tekom-3 Ltd.   

Reusable Infant Finger Probe Sensor FP200IN

Reusable wrap style Infant finger probe sensor to non-invasively measure oxygen saturation Reusable wrap style Infant finger probe sensor to non-invasively measure oxygen saturation (SpO2), pulse rate and plethysmographic pulse waves. Recommended for Infant patients weighing 3-15

Favorite Imports LLC   

PIR SENSOR SHP-150 series

HS CODE 91 SHP-150W,150WL/SHP-150C,150CL -Domy Fresnel Lens -A Strong Circuit to an electric wave -Pulse Count Option -Various Mounting Method with Bracket -Alarm Output Option (N O./N C.)

Sun Security System   

Pneumatic Pressure Sensor for NXT (PPS35-Nx)

Pneumatic Pressure Sensor for NXT (PPS35-Nx) Pneumatic Pressure Sensor for NXT (PPS35-Nx)This sensor will be useful for those who use LEGO pneumatics with NXT.* Range from 0 to 35 PSI or 0 to 240 kg/sqcm.* Supported in NXT-G, RobotC and NXC/NBC Click here for Details   

photo sensor

Payment Terms T/T photo sensor ,photoelectric sensor,proximity switch,color mark sensor,safty curtain


PS-201 Motion Sensor

Activates the Swing Door Opener automatically. Activates the Swing Door Opener automatically. Motion detecting range 72 degree arc, 7 feet. Ideal for the physically challenged, the elderly and individuals with mobility limitations. Easy to install. Employs Skylink's rolling code

Capital Prospect Ltd.   

Proximity Sensor Kiosk Peripherals

Proximity sensors detect the presence of kiosk users, and can thus serve two important purposes when integrated into a kiosk Proximity sensors detect the presence of kiosk users, and can thus serve two important purposes when integrated into a kiosk. First, they can detect an app

Rivalogic Technologies Pvt. Ltd.   

Redfish Glass Axial Leaded PTC Thermistor1000

Redfish Glass Axial Leaded PTC Thermistor 1000 R25C= 1000 ohms PTC= 25/50e0.7%/CTHERMAL TIME CONSTANT 60 SECONDS MAX OPERATING TEMPERATURE -50

Redfish Sensors   

High Sensorable Photo-Electronic Safety Device for Machine (N-type)

Trans-receive Type Device for Mchine (20mm Series) Trns. Rcvr. MODEL L SK - 904N 175 SK - 906N 255 SK - 908N 335 SK - 910N 415 SK - 912N 495 SK - 914N 575 SK - 916N 655 SK - 918N 735 MODEL L SK - 904N 160 SK - 906N 240 SK - 908N 320 SK - 910N 400 SK - 912N 480 SK - 914N 560 SK -

Sun Kwang Electronic Co.   

Pressure Sensor

The pressure sensor family HVP1330 is very robust and so especially dedicated for hydraulics and high performance applications.

Okay Motor Products (Hongkong), Inc.   

Power Transducer

HS CODE 8504402099 Daiyun transducers have good linearity and low ripple nput, output, power and others to case. This transducers provide proportional DC curren and Voltage output which not influenced by any load resistance, even under very low condition, accurate output is avail

Deesys Co., Ltd.   

Single & Dual Pressure Sensor

Single & Dual Pressure Sensor General Description Application Car air conditioner Feature - This switch is installed to the receive drier to prevent of over load in compressor due to abnormal low / high pressure of refrigerant -Dual action pressure switch opoerating both low an

Shin Han Electro-Mechanics Co., Ltd   

Piezoelectric Sensor

HS CODE 91 Purposes Counting In lane classification Average speed Characteristics Types of road asphalt, concrete slab, reinforced concrete,... Material epoxy resin Accuracy class I (

Ecm Asia Its   


The sensors are used for detecting the cover opening and informing the central computer The need for the electronic control of the telecommunication shafts occurred due to the repeated and large-scale thefts of the cables placed inside the shafts, as well as to the large misuse o

Majkic D. O. O.   

Fisher Controls 546 Series Electro-Pneumatic Transducer

Supply 5 psi higher than upper range limit of the output signal Input 4-20 mA Output 3-15 psi, 3-27 psi or 6-30 psiSupply 5 psi higher than upper range limit of the output signalAccuracy +/- 0.75% of spanOptions Supply pressure regulator, reverse output

Dorema Trading