Product name Stan ozolol (Win strol) CAS 10418-03-8 M. F C21H32N2O M. W 328.49 What is Sta nozolol Win strol and used for? Stanoz olol Win strol is one of the most po pular anab olic stero ids. Stip rolol Win strol may be admin istered orally or intramus cularly. Some of its the
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 17:06:03 ]
In addition to medicine treatment, respiratory support treatments such as oxygen therapy, invasive mechanical ventilation, non-invasive ventilation, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), and circulatory support are chosen to treat those serious cases of pneumonia. It also p
Guangdong Pigeon Medical Apparatus Co., Ltd [2023-03-23 17:00:34 ]
Product name:Bolden one cypi onate Other name:17Beta-Hydroxy-Androsta-1,4-Dien-3-One Cycl opent ane propi onate CAS reg ister number:106505-90-2 Mol ecular formula:C26H38O3 Mol ecular weight: 398.58 Structure: Bolde none Cypio nate Bu lking Cycle Muscle Gr owth Ster o
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 16:52:45 ]
Reliable Source of 2-Butene-1,4-diol for Downstream Product Wickr antsjane www antspharma com forums antspharma com Email jane@antspharma com 2-Butene-1,4-diol, also known as 2-Butynediol or 2-Butine-1,4-diol, is a colorless liquid with a molecular formula of C4H6O2. It has a hi
Shenzhen ShuLi Technology Co.,Ltd. [2023-03-23 15:53:02 ]
Product name: Bold enone Ac etate Other name: Bolden one 17-acet ate CAS reg ister num ber:2363-59-9 EINECS: 219-112-8 Molec ular formul a: C21H28O3 Mol ecular wei ght: 328.45 Molec ular stru cture: CAS 2363-59-9 Bolde none Aceta te M scle Gro wth St eroids R aw Hor
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 15:30:17 ]
Product Name Trenb olo nes Ba se Mol ecular for mula C18H22O2 Mole cular wei ght 270.37 CAS 10161-33-8 MOQ 10g Appear ance Light yellow cry stal pow der Usage It can be used for mu scle build ing. Trenbo lones is litera lly the most power ful anab olic ster oid convent ionally an
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 15:18:12 ]
Product Name Trenbo lone Enan thate Alias Trenb olone Ena nthate;Para bolan;Tren E;10161-33-8;Pri mobolan-de pot;Pri mobo lan-d epot CAS No. 10161-33-8 Molec ular Form ula C25H34O3 Molec ular we ight 382.54 EINECS 1312995-182-4 Assay 99.34% Appe arance pale yellow or yellow cryst
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 15:11:04 ]
Product Name Mibo leron CAS 3704-09-4 MF C20H30O2 MW 302.45 EINECS 223-046-5 Chemi cal Prop erties White Cryst alline Solid Paym ent T/T, We stern Un Ion and Mo ney Gram Certifi cation GMP, HSE, ISO 9001, USP, BP Delivery Wit hin 24h ours After Your Pay ment Usage Synt hetic an a
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 15:00:27 ]
Sta nolone (Stero ids pow der) Synonyms Andro stan olone Chemical Name 5A-andr ostan-17ß -ol-3-one CAS 521-18-6 EINECS 208-307-3 Assay 99% min. Molecular Formula C19H30O2 Packing Foil bag or tin. Delivery Expr ess courier. Descri ption White cryst alline powder Character White c
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 14:56:26 ]
Product Name Nand rolone Phen ypr opionate Other Name Dur abolin Model NO 62-90-8 CAS No. 62-90-8 Procut Description Nandr olone is a 19-nor test oste rone (19-nor) syn thetic andro genic andro genic. 19-nor classif ication refers to the struct ural chan ges of testost erone horm
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 14:54:37 ]
Product name Nand rolone CAS 434-22-0 Alias Nand olone Ba se; Nand rolone Molecular Formula C19H30O2 Molecular Weight 290.44 Melting point 120-125 °C Nand rolone is most com monly foU nd with a cypion ate, laurate, decan oate or plenylp ropionate ester. The ester deter mines how
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 14:39:15 ]
Chemical name Closte bol acet ate CAS NO. 855-19-6 Assay 98% min. Molecular Formula C21H2 9ClO3 Molecular weight 364.91 Sell Effe ctive Hea lth Mus cle Bui dling Ster oids Clost ebol ace tate ( Turin abol ) CAS 855-19-6 Chara cter Wh ite cryst line powder. Email Amber@aasrawshop
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 14:35:03 ]
1-testo s terone (dih ydro bold enone), or DHB for short, is an ana bolic ster oid that has some uniq ue prop erties of inte rest to bodyb uilders. Interes ingly, in spite of the fact that the name can be con fusing, in no way is DHB testo sterone. In fact, it is simply the 5alp
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 14:30:03 ]
Product name 17a-Meth yl-1-test oster one Alias Meth yltest os erone ;17-Alpha - Meth yl-Test oste rone ;Meta ndren CAS 65-04-3 MF C20H30O2 MW 302.45 Appearance White powder Usage Met hyl-1-Te st os terone is a der ivat ive of dihy drote sto sterone. Used as a male horm one and a
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 14:23:01 ]
Name 4-Ch loro dehyd rometh yltes toste rone Model NO. 2446-23-3 Synonyms Oral turi nabo l;4-Chl ord ehy dr oMet hyl Testos te rone;4-Chloro dehydroMe thyltesto st erone (oral turin abol) Purity 99% Molecular Formula C20H27ClO2 Molecular Weight 334.88 Appearance White or white cr
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 14:15:00 ]
Product Name Mest erolo ne;Pr ovir on Chemical Name 17b eta-Hydr oxy-1alpha-met hyl-5alp ha-andro stan-3-one; Molecular Formula C20H32O2 Molecular weight 304.47 CAS No. 1424-00-6 Purity 99% min Apperance White powder Standard Ente rprise Stan dard Packing 1kg/aluminum foil bag Ex
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 14:11:10 ]
Product name Mes tanolone Model NO 521-11-9 EINECS 208-302-6 Molec ular Formula C20H32O2 Mole cular Weight 304.47 Me lting point 224-226°C Appearance White or Similar cryst alline powder Mesta nolone Solu ble in acet one, eth anol, ethyl ether, ethyl acetate, insolu ble in water
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 14:08:54 ]
Product Name 17-Met hyltest osterone Other Name Methy ltes tosterone Model NO 58-18-4 CAS 58-18-4 Appearance white powder Mole cular Form ula C20H30O2 Express EMS, DHL, FedEx, etc(Door-to-Door)
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 12:11:22 ]
Product Name Fluoxy mesterone Alias Hal otestin, Halo testin CAS No 76-43-7 Einecs No 200-961-8 MF C20H29FO3 MW 336.44 Purity 99% Appearance white powder. Use Fluoxy mesteron Powder For C utting Cycl es Halo testin Stero ids Grade Pharmac eutical gr ade Package Disgu ised pac kag
RAWSGEAR [2023-03-23 12:09:54 ]