Raw Material Flowers Ingredient (Wood) Sandalwood Ingredient (Peel) Lemon Ingredient (Leaves) Peppermint Ingredient (Flowers) Ylang-Ylang Feature Skin Revitalizer Type Compound Essential Oil Raw Material Flowers Ingredient (Wood) Sandalwood Ingredient (Peel) Lemon Ingredient (Lea
Ingredient (Seeds) Celery Ingredient (Peel) Lemon Ingredient (Leaves) Tea tree Ingredient (Flowers) Lavender Ingredient (Berries) Juniper Ingredient (Bark) Cinnamon Raw Material Bark Type Pure Essential Oil Feature Whitening Ingredient (Wood) Sandalwood Ingredient (Seeds) Celery
A full range of pure essential oils, base oils, blended massage oils, aromatherapy room mists and fragrances A full range of pure essential oils, base oils, blended massage oils, aromatherapy room mists and fragrances AROMATHERAPY & SCENTS A full range of , , , aromatherapy as we
Feature Callus Remover Ingredient (Peel) Orange Ingredient (Leaves) Tea tree Ingredient (Flowers) Ylang-Ylang Raw Material Bark Type Pure Essential Oil Feature Callus Remover Ingredient (Peel) Orange Ingredient (Leaves) Tea tree Ingredient (Flowers) Ylang-Ylang Raw Material Bark
Ingredient (Peel) Orange Ingredient (Leaves) Rosemary Ingredient (Flowers) Orange Raw Material Flowers Type Pure Essential Oil Ingredient (Peel) Orange Ingredient (Leaves) Rosemary Ingredient (Flowers) Orange Raw Material Flowers Type Pure Essential Oil Botanicals proudly offer a
Ingredient (Seeds) Almond Ingredient (Rhizome) Ginger Ingredient (Peel) Tangerine Ingredient (Leaves) Spearmint Ingredient (Flowers) Rose Ingredient (Berries) Juniper Raw Material Berries Type Pure Essential Oil Ingredient (Wood) Sandalwood Ingredient (Seeds) Almond Ingredient (R
Ingredient (Seeds) Almond Ingredient (Peel) Lemon Ingredient (Leaves) Rosemary Ingredient (Flowers) Lavender Ingredient (Berries) Juniper Raw Material Berries Type Pure Essential Oil Ingredient (Seeds) Almond Ingredient (Peel) Lemon Ingredient (Leaves) Rosemary Ingredient (Flower
Type Compound Essential Oil Type Compound Essential Oil Pure essential oils are blended for harmonious, combined effect and fragrance Pure essential oils are for harmonious, combined effect and fragrance. Skillful blending balances the therapeutic effect and aromatic quality of i
Ingredient (Resin) Myrrh Ingredient (Peel) Orange Ingredient (Leaves) Tea tree Ingredient (Flowers) Ylang-Ylang Ingredient (Berries) Juniper Ingredient (Bark) Cinnamon Raw Material Bark Type Pure Essential Oil Ingredient (Wood) Sandalwood Ingredient (Seeds) Cumin Ingredient (Root
Brand Name Respiratory Blend Type Traditional Patented Medicines Function Respiratory remedy Place of Origin Australia Type Compound Essential Oil Brand Name Respiratory Blend Type Traditional Patented Medicines Function Respiratory remedy Place of Origin Australia Type Compound
Ingredient (Flowers) Ylang-Ylang Raw Material Bark Type Pure Essential Oil Ingredient (Flowers) Ylang-Ylang Raw Material Bark Type Pure Essential Oil Safe Choice Aromatherapy From the sweet lavender fields of the French Alps to the fragrant ylang ylang groves of Madagascar Call N
Essential Oil Aromatic Sprays 8 oz. soft plastic bottle- $5.00 ea. Essential Oil Aromatic Sprays 8 oz. soft plastic bottle- $5.00 ea. All-natural aromatic sprays with distilled water and 100% pure essential oils. Use as a natural body spray or as a pure and natural air freshener.
Feature Firming Ingredient (Peel) Grapefruit Place of Origin Singapore Ingredient (Berries) Juniper Raw Material Berries Type Pure Essential Oil Feature Firming Ingredient (Peel) Grapefruit Place of Origin Singapore Ingredient (Berries) Juniper Raw Material Berries Type Pure Esse
Type Pure Essential Oil Type Pure Essential Oil Direct inhalation for respiratory disinfection, decongestion, expectoration as well as psychological effect. Essential oils are used in aromatherapy via
Raw Material Bark Feature Whitening Ingredient (Wood) Sandalwood Ingredient (Root) Valerian Ingredient (Peel) Orange Ingredient (Leaves) Tea tree Ingredient (Flowers) Ylang-Ylang Ingredient (Bark) Cinnamon Raw Material Bark Feature Whitening Ingredient (Wood) Sandalwood Ingredien
Place of Origin Morocco Type Pure Essential Oil Place of Origin Morocco Type Pure Essential Oil SPA products black soap for exfoliating scrub,clay for facial masks and body wrap, essential oils, massage oils,floral waters We offer a range of 100% natural SPA and beauty centers p
Type Pure Essential Oil Type Pure Essential Oil garten's products Essential Oils Oils & Fats Skincare Bases Plant Extracts Aromatherapy For years, Garten develops strong alliances with many chemical and raw material producers. Professional supply-chain management leads Garten to
Type Pure Essential Oil Type Pure Essential Oil High quality selections of essential & message oils naturally produced from mixture of Tropical Herbs(Patchouli,Kaffir Lime etc)
Essential Oil Aromatherapy Oils Brand Name QuintEssential Place of Origin Australia Body & Skin care Baby Cares Essential Oil Aromatherapy Oils Brand Name QuintEssential Place of Origin Australia Body & Skin care Baby Cares We specialise in personal care with our main ingredient