Searching white powder , total 6314 products,queries done in 20 ms

Testost erone Dec anoate

Synonyms testos erone decan oate;4-Androsten-17beta-ol-3-one Deca noate CAS 5721-91-5 Mol cularFor mula C29H46O3 Molec ularWeight 442.67 EINECS 227-226-4 Specification 200mg/ml Packing foilbagortin Appearance white powder Usage Phar mac eutical mater ial Product Name testost eron

MANUFACTURER      [2023-04-02 09:59:17 ]

Safe door to door alprazolam bromazolam flubrotizolam white powder supply whatsapp:+8613722791040

Wickr adarose Whattsapp +8613722791040 Email ada@sxboaoke com The safest and fastest delivery could be promised. Within 48 hours after payment we can dispatch the package and send it. Sample order within 10gr could be accepted. So please feel free to contact me when you need my h

Shanxi Boaoke New Material Co., Ltd      [2023-03-30 17:28:49 ]

Factory supply CAS 65617-86-9/Avizafone -white powder

英文名称 : Avizafone CAS 65617-86-9 分子量 : 430.92800 分子式 : C 22H27ClN4O3 密度 : 1.253g/cm3 沸点 : 697.6ºC at 760 mmHg . 联系我: +86 15131189230 诺华医药河北有限公司 WhatsApp//Telegram/脸书:+86 15131189230 邮箱: jenny@nuohuamed

Nuohua medicine Hebei co., ltd.      [2023-03-30 16:25:52 ]

High purity high quality alprazolam bromazolam flubrotizolam white powder whatsapp:+8613722791040

Wickr adarose Whatsapp +8613722791040 Email ada@sxboaoke com The safest and fastest delivery could be promised. Within 48 hours after payment we can dispatch the package and send it. Sample order within 10gr could be accepted. So please feel free to contact me when you need my he

Shanxi Boaoke New Material Co., Ltd      [2023-03-30 14:57:02 ]

2023 New date alprazolam bromazolam white powder whatsapp:+8613722791040

Wickr adarose Whatsapp +8613722791040 Email ada@sxboaoke com The safest and fastest delivery could be promised. Within 48 hours after payment we can dispatch the package and send it. Sample order within 10gr could be accepted. So please feel free to contact me when you need my he

Shanxi Boaoke New Material Co., Ltd      [2023-03-30 11:48:11 ]

Pot Magnet with Metal Rod

Product Description This stud magnet can be used solely for holding with the metal rod providing an easy way for removal. Meanwhile, it also can be used together with something else, for example, it shows one possibility where the pot magnet works as a base and plastic grippers c

Weizhong Magnetics Co., Ltd      [2023-03-29 11:16:13 ]

Factory supply CAS 1715016-75-3/5FADB -white powder

工厂供应 CAS 1715016-75-3/5FADB - 白色粉末 工厂供应 CAS 1715016-75-3/5FADB - 白色粉末 工厂供应 CAS 1715016-75-3/5FADB - 白色粉末 联系我: +86 13223496519 WhatsApp//Telegram/脸书: +86 13223496519 邮箱: mia@nicestmed com

Nuohua medicine Hebei co., ltd.      [2023-03-27 17:35:42 ]

Safe and fast delivery alprazolam bromazolam white powder whatsapp:+8613722791040

Wickr adarose Whatsapp +8613722791040 Email ada@sxboaoke com The safest and fastest delivery could be promised. Within 48 hours after payment we can dispatch the package and send it. Sample order within 10gr could be accepted. So please feel free to contact me when you need my he

Shanxi Boaoke New Material Co., Ltd      [2023-03-27 10:01:17 ]

Anastrozole (Arimidex)

Prod uct name An astr ozole Alias Ari midex CAS No 120511-73-1 MF C17H19N5 MW 293.37 Purity 98% Appea rance white powder. Email Amber@aasrawshop com Web www medical-steroids com Whatsapp +63 9054356298

RAWSGEAR      [2023-03-23 17:51:08 ]

Methenolone Acetate/Primobolan

Product name Meth enol one Acet ate Alias Prim obo lan-d epot CAS No 434-05-9 Ein ecs No 207-097-0 MF C22H 32O3 MW 344.49 Mus cle Gro wth Me thenolo ne Acet ate Primo bolan for Oral St eroid Drug CAS 434-05-9 Purity 99% App earan ce white powder. Email Amber@aasrawshop com Web ww

RAWSGEAR      [2023-03-23 17:31:07 ]

Dianabol (Metandienone)

Product Name: Dia nabol Alias: Methand roste nolone CAS Regi stry Nu mber: 72-63-9 Einecs No: 200-787-2 Mo lecular Form ula: C20H28O2 Mo lecular Wei ght: 300.44 Purity: >99% Grade:Pharm aceu tical Gr ade Appear ance: White Powder Melting Point :164.5-165.5°C

RAWSGEAR      [2023-03-23 17:08:25 ]


Product name 17a-Meth yl-1-test oster one Alias Meth yltest os erone ;17-Alpha - Meth yl-Test oste rone ;Meta ndren CAS 65-04-3 MF C20H30O2 MW 302.45 Appearance White powder Usage Met hyl-1-Te st os terone is a der ivat ive of dihy drote sto sterone. Used as a male horm one and a

RAWSGEAR      [2023-03-23 14:23:01 ]

Mesterolone (Proviron)

Product Name Mest erolo ne;Pr ovir on Chemical Name 17b eta-Hydr oxy-1alpha-met hyl-5alp ha-andro stan-3-one; Molecular Formula C20H32O2 Molecular weight 304.47 CAS No. 1424-00-6 Purity 99% min Apperance White powder Standard Ente rprise Stan dard Packing 1kg/aluminum foil bag Ex

RAWSGEAR      [2023-03-23 14:11:10 ]


Product Name 17-Met hyltest osterone Other Name Methy ltes tosterone Model NO 58-18-4 CAS 58-18-4 Appearance white powder Mole cular Form ula C20H30O2 Express EMS, DHL, FedEx, etc(Door-to-Door)

RAWSGEAR      [2023-03-23 12:11:22 ]

Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin)

Product Name Fluoxy mesterone Alias Hal otestin, Halo testin CAS No 76-43-7 Einecs No 200-961-8 MF C20H29FO3 MW 336.44 Purity 99% Appearance white powder. Use Fluoxy mesteron Powder For C utting Cycl es Halo testin Stero ids Grade Pharmac eutical gr ade Package Disgu ised pac kag

RAWSGEAR      [2023-03-23 12:09:54 ]

Testosterone Sustanon 250

Product Name Sustan on 250 Alias Sust anon, Testo sterone blend Composition Testo sterone Propi onate 30 grams, Testos terone Phenylpr opionate 60 grams,Testo sterone isocapr oate 60 grams,Testoster one Dec anoate 100 grams Proportion 3 6 6 10 Appe arance White powder

RAWSGEAR      [2023-03-23 12:03:05 ]

Testosterone Decanoate

Syno nyms testost erone decan oate;4-Androst en-17beta-ol-3-one Decan oate CAS 5721-91-5 Molec ularFormula C29H46O3 Molec ularWeight 442.67 EINECS 227-226-4 Specifi cation 200mg/ml Packing foilb agortin Appear ance white powder Usage Phar mace utical mat erial Product Name testo

RAWSGEAR      [2023-03-23 11:59:36 ]

Factory price hot sale Alp/razolam Bro/mazolam white powder whatsapp:+8613722791040

Wickr adarose Whatsapp +8613722791040 Email ada@sxboaoke com The safest and fastest delivery could be promised. Within 48 hours after payment we can dispatch the package and send it. Sample order within 10gr could be accepted. So please feel free to contact me when you need my he

Shanxi Boaoke New Material Co., Ltd      [2023-03-22 11:00:26 ]

CAS 288573-56-8 1-Piperidinecarboxylicacid C16h23fn2o2

Other Name KS0037 CAS NO. 288573-56-8 EINECS NO. 200-533-0 Molecular Formula C16H23FN2O2 Appearance white powder Purity 99% Min MW 294.36 Boiling point 400.4±40.0 °C(Predicted) Density 11.159±0.06 g/cm3(Predicted) Packing material for different products Aluminium foil bag,

Shandong Lingwo Biotechnology Co., Ltd.      [2023-03-21 09:25:38 ]

Hot sale door to door 100% safe delivery CAS 125541-22-2

Items Specifications Model NO 125541-22-2 Trademark leefu Color white Purity 99.99% appearance white powder origin henan China sample available shelf life 2 years Transport by air,by sea Production Capacity 50 ton/month

Shandong Lingwo Biotechnology Co., Ltd.      [2023-03-21 09:14:52 ]