Hot sale! Cheap Price 5-PPDi Good Suppiler
CAS No.:632134-23-2
Purity:> 99.6%
Molecular weight:257.370
Stability:2 years
Application:for reaserch
5-PPDi is a chemical research compound that is an analogue of Methylone. The IUPAC name for 5-PPDi is 1-(2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-5-yl)-2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)butan-1-one. The chemical formula for 5-PPDi is C17H23NO. It has an exact mass of 257.18 and a molecular Weight of 257.37. Since 5-PPDi is a new compound, research on the compound has not been published.
Chemical and physical properties of compound include a heavy atom count of 15, topological polar surface area of 47.6, covalently bonded unit count of 1, feature 3D acceptor count of 3, 3D donor count of 1, 3D cation count of 1, feature 3D ring count of 2, and effective rotor count of 3.6.
5-PPDi are only intended for research purposes in a controlled laboratory for forensic or scientific study and are NOT intended for human consumption.
Miss Smile