Synox synthetic oxide pigments are a selection of inert materials which are featured in good dispersion, outstanding fastness to light and resistance to weathering, excellent hiding power and
tintingstrength. The colors produced by it can remain fresh and beautiful for life. Besides, Synox pigments are rich in colors, including reds, yellows,blacks, oranges, browns, blues and greens,
etc.These pigments are available in more than two dozen primary and in hundreds of blends ,the most popular of which are detailed on our color cards for ease of specifications. With the above
characteristics, Synox pigments can be widely used in the industries as concrete, paints, coatings, asphalt, rubber, plastics, etc.They can add value and visual appeal to your products.Whatever
project that you have on the drawing board, we can work with you to transform your concept of color and effect into reality. Product introduction Synox pigments now have been divided into two series.
SYNOX: 1. Powder pigments 2. Application suitable: coloring concrete,paint and others 3. Colors available: reds,yellows,blacks,browns,oranges, etc. Synofin: 1. Powder pigments 2. Application
suitable: coating and others 3. Colors available: reds,yellows,blacks,browns,oranges, etc.