Oil or gas is continually injected into a high temperature furnace where it decomposes into carbon black, which is used for tires, rubber products and pigments in inks, coatings and plastic. Roots
type / positive displacement type, or centrifugal type combustion blowers help the production process of carbon black by introducing hydrocarbon fuels, such as oil or gas with high temperatures of
1,320 to 1,540 ˚C (2,400 to 2,800 ˚F). 90% of the processes are “Oil Furnace Process” and 10% are ”Thermal Process”. The Thermal Process uses natural gas only, whereas the Oil Furnace Process
uses oil as a feedstock and natural gas as a heat source. Blower creates a high volume of air at a high pressure to provide forced air through the combustion process. Measured amounts of natural
gas are injected into the blower’s airflow. The large volumes of air and increased pressures greatly enhance combustion efficiency necessary for the decomposition to occur. Also, the airflow
carries the carbon particulate and exhaust gases through the quench tower and into the bag filters.