Ecoweb Geocell is widely used in construction for erosion control, soil stabilization on flat ground and steep slopes, channel protection, and structural reinforcement for load support and earth retention. It is made with ultrasonically welded high-density polyethylene (HDPE) strips and expanded on-site to form a honeycomb-like structure, and filled with sand, soil, rock, gravel or concrete.
Load Suppoprt
Retaining Wall
Slope Protection
Channel Protection
Ecoweb Specification:
Ecoweb Advantage:
1. High Weld Strength: >16kN/m for peel strength, >30kN/m for split strength
2. High Tensile Strength: >30MPa
3. High Elongation: >900% (TD) >480%(MD)
4. OIT: >200mins
5. Wall Depth Maximum 300mm
6. Strip Length Maximum 8m