Application scope (1) leaf vegetables insect nets cover cultivation, leafy vegetables is urban and rural residents fall like eat vegetables, with fast growth, the characteristics of the cycle
is short, but outdoor production pests, pesticide pollution is serious, people dare not eat. Use insect nets cover cultivation can significantly reduce pesticide pollution.(2) the solanaceous fruit,
melons insect nets cover cultivation. Solanaceous fruit, melons fall prone to virus disease, application of insect nets, cut off the aphids and poison way, reduce the harm of virus disease.(3)
seedling. Every 6 to 8 months, is quiz dong season vegetable seedling season, and high humidity, frequent rainstorm, pests, seedling is difficult. Use insect nets vegetables after emergence rate is
high, the seedling rate is high, the quality is good, the initiative to win the autumn/winter vegetable production.