Sustanon 250 Sustanon 250
Sustanon 250 Product name: Sustanon,Sustanon 250,Testosterone Blend,Steroids,Raw Sustanon powder,China sustanon supplier
Sustanon Component:
Sustanon 250 Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Decanoate,Testosterone Isocaproate:
1,One kind is 250 grams pulvis: Testosterone Propionate 30 grams, Testosterone Phenylpropionate 60 grams,Testosterone isocaproate 60 grams,Testosterone Decanoate 100 grams.
2,Another kind is 250 mg injection: Testosterone Propionate 30 mg; Testosterone Phenylpropionate 60 mg; Testosterone isocaproate 60 mg and Testosterone Decanoate 100 mg.
Sustanon 250 Package: Foil bag or tin.
Sustanon 250 Delivery: EMS,FedEx,DHL,UPs.
Sustanon 250 The min. Order is 10 grams.
Sustanon 250 Appearance: white crystalline powder.
Sustanon 250 Usage: Pharmaceutical material, steroids Hormone Sustanon powders/Testosterone Blend/Omnadren/ Testosterone MixedTestosterone Blend is a new type of hormonal premix drugs, it is different pharmacological effects of the time a mixture. Offsetting the drugs work by time, make the drugs can faster and more lasting effect.