Molecular Formula: C20H32OS
Molecular Weight: 320.53
Standard:Pharmaceutical Grade
Havoc/Methyl E cycles usually run for between one and six weeks and doses are between ten and sixty milligrams, depending on how new you are to drug assisted bodybuilding. Beginners should start out with the minimum dose (10mgs) for two days and then increase the dose to 20mgs for the next five days and then for one more week, 30mgs for the third week and 40mgs for the fourth week, assuming you don't have any reactions to a stronger dose. Always carefully document any reactions you have, anything you feel, and adjust your dose as needed. Never exceed your dose or you could end up making yourself ill and never go longer than six weeks before going into your post cycle therapy. Some very experienced users might go as long as twelve weeks, but this isn't really advisable unless you're very experienced in pro hormone use and even then, you could do damage to your body.