Portable universal light-duty cutting machine

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15 Days
This machine adopts advanced technology and processing technology, and it has the advantages of novel and beautiful appearance, reasonable structure, stable performance and strong function. It is an ideal machine for stone processing industry.This machine is suitable for processing different materials, stone cutting straight, oblique angle greater than 0, but less than 90, can be processed roadside stone, do special cutting or follow cutting, drilling and processing blind stone etc..
  • Country: China (Mainland)
  • Business Type: Manufacturer
  • Market:Africa,Americas,Asia,Emerging Markets,European Union
  • Founded Year:1962
  • Address:
  • Contact:li shangze
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Portable CNC Flame Plasma Cutting Machine with One Flame and One Plasma Torque
Portable CNC Flame Plasma Cutting Machine with One Flame and One Plasma Torque

Portable CNC Flame Plasma Cutting Machine with Low Cost from www.eaglecnctec.com Jinan EagleTec CNC Machinery Co.,Ltd. Brief:Portable cnc flame plasma cutting machine EagleTec EA-P1525FP hastwo torches, one flame and one plasma. Design of two torches in one machine is to ...

Jinan EagleTec CNC Machinery Co.,Ltd.