Kill hose connects the mud pumps to a connection below a BOP which allows fluid to be pumped into the well or annulus with the BOP closed during well control operations. Inside diameter ranges from
2 1/2inch to 4inch with lengths up to 110 feet (50 meter). Four high-tensile wire cable spirals are the most important load-bearing elements. The maximum operating pressures for different items are
5000psi, 10,000 psi and 15,000 psi. Kill hoses should be stored in a correct way to aviod kink or other problems which will shorten hose's service life.
Kill hose used in BOP stacks covered by stainless steel interlock stripwound tube
Meets or exceeds related specifications of API 16C.
Stainless steel stripwound armor is designed to protect the hose from all external mechanical damage, harsh environments and fire resistance.