Braided PVC hoses will be subjected to both suction and higher pressure discharge applications over conventional PVC hoses. Textile braided PVC suction/discharge hose consists of three parts –
external rigid PVC helix, textile braid reinforcement and clear PVC tube. Textile braid increases working pressure and strength. External corrugated PVC helix allows for dragging. Smooth tube
surface allows for smooth flow and will not create excessive heat, which will degrade the performance of the hose.
Braided hard wall construction exceeds typical
PVC hose and can be used in conveying chemicals, fertilizer, water and
other materials. When comes to higher strength and operating pressure, braided PVC suction is the exact alternative.
Braided PVC suction hose with orange PVC helix
Braided PVC Suction Hose
Your benefits:
Textile braided reinforcement improves working pressure and strength;
PVC helix for easy dragging;
Smooth tube reduce heat creating;
Cam & groove, threaded fittings.