Latin Name: Corynante Yohimbe
Synonyms: Aphrodien, Corynanthe johimbi, Corynanthe yohimbi, corynine, johimbi, Pausinystalia johimbe, Pausinystalia yohimbe, quebrachine, Rubiaceae (family), yohimbehe, yohimbehe cortex, yohimbeherinde, yohimbene, yohimbime, yohimbine, P.johimbe (Schumann) Be
Part of Used: Bark
Specifications: 10:1 TLC (water-soluble), Yohimbine10%,Yohimbine HCL(hydrochloride) 98%
Appearance: Brown red fine powder
Application: food additive, dietary supplement
Latin Name: Tribulus terrester Linn. Synonyms: bullhead,burra gokharu, caltrop, cat\'s head, devil\'s eyelashes, devil\'s thorn,devil\'s weed, goathead, puncturevine,tackweed Part of Used: Fruit Specifications: saponins 90%,Protodioscin 50% Appearance: Light yellow-brown fine ...