Latin Name:Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.)Li
Synonyms:Japanese plum, Japanese medlar,nespola giapponese, néflier du Japon,bibassier. japanische mispel, wollmispel, nispero, nispero japonés, nispero del Japónm, ameixa amarella, ameixa do Japao.
Part of Used:Leaf
Specifications:Ursolic Acid 20%-90%
Appearance:Brown fine powder
Application:Medicine, food additive, dietary supplement
What is Loquat Leaf?
The Loquat tree is a member of the Rose family, and is also known as the Japanese Plum tree. The tree has dark green, glossy leaves and small, oval yellow-orange fruit. Loquat trees are indigenous to China and Japan and there are many varieties. Both the leaves and fruit have nutritional value, however, it is the Loquat leaf that holds the most significant medicinal properties. The Loquat leaf can also be purchased as an extract or as a tea.
According to Chinese medicine, when energy in the body becomes stagnant, it creates heat which, in the throat area, can lead to sticky phlegm that creates a cough. Loquat leafs are rich in volatile oils such as farnoquiol, which can move phlegm out of the throat area.