Product Type: 1747-L532 / E
Product parameters: modular controller cpu module. Memory: 16K words. Maximum digital input and output: 8192. Maximum local rack / slot: 3/30. Integrated communication: DH-485 communication
protocol and RS-232. Optional memory module: Flash EEPROM. Programming software: RSLogix 500. Programming instructions: 107. E series
Product brand: United States Rockwell Allen-Bradley (AB)
Product Type: 1747-DCM
Product parameters: SLC direct communication module
Product brand: United States Rockwell Allen-Bradley (AB)
Product Type: 1747-CP3
Product parameters: RS-232 serial communication cable. Can be used to connect the computer and ControlLogix controller, slc 5/03, slc 5/04, slc 5/05 cpu module.
Product brand: United States Rockwell Allen-Bradley (AB)
Product Type: 1746-HSCE
Product parameters: high-speed counting module. Provides a bidirectional counting channel that supports quadrature, pulse / direction, or up / down count input. 4 outputs allow the module to
control independently of the SLC processor scan.
Product brand: United States Rockwell Allen-Bradley (AB)