Product Type: 1746-NR4
Product parameters: RTD module accepts platinum resistance, nickel resistance, copper resistance, and nickel iron thermal resistance signal. 1746-NR4 4-channel thermal resistance input module.
Data format: raw data / proportional data; engineering data; engineering data * 10; suitable for the number of PID operation.
Product brand: United States Rockwell Allen-Bradley (AB)
Product Type: 1747-SDN
Product parameters: DeviceNet scanner module. 1747-SDN allows SLC 5/02 or higher processors to communicate with up to 63 DeviceNet-compatible I / O devices. The scanner module or 1747-SDN is the
DeviceNet master module. The SLC system allows multiple scanner modules to be placed in one processor rack.
Product brand: United States Rockwell Allen-Bradley (AB)
Product Type: 1769-L35E
Product parameters: 1769-L35E, allen-bradley compactlogix controller module. The CompactLogix platform includes the benefits of a Logix-based platform - a common programming environment, a common
network, a common control engine, a compact structure and superior performance.
Product brand: United States Rockwell Allen-Bradley (AB)