Product Type: 1756-M16SE
Product parameters: 16-axis Rockwell Automation SERCOS interface module. The Kinetix integrated motion solution uses the SERCOS interface module to provide complex, multi-axis, synchronous
motion. The Logix Integrated Motion Control Scheme uses an analog servo module to control the drive / actuator that does not support the Kinetix SERCOS interface.
Product brand: United States Rockwell Allen-Bradley (AB)
Product Type: 1746-IB16
Product parameters: Voltage type: DC leakage type 24 volts. Operating voltage range: leakage type DC 10 volts to 30 volts. Number of input points: 16 points. 16 points share a common side.
Product brand: United States Rockwell Allen-Bradley (AB)
Product Type: 1746-OW16
Product parameters: AC or DC relay output module. Voltage class: AC or DC relay. Operating voltage: AC 5 V to 265 V, 47 Hz to 63 Hz; or DC 5 V to 125 V. Output points: 16 points. 8 points share a
common side. Maximum signal delay: 10 ms for ON, 10 ms for OFF.
Product brand: United States Rockwell Allen-Bradley (AB)