Product Name:Trenb olo nes Ba se Mol ecular for mula: C18H22O2 Mole cular wei ght: 270.37 CAS: 10161-33-8 MOQ: 10g Appear ance: Light yellow cry stal pow der Usage:It can be used for mu scle build ing. Trenbo lones is litera lly the most power ful anab olic ster oid convent ... Skype/Whatsapp:+8618126319693 Trenbolone (Steroids) Chemical Name: ...
Trenbolone Base with no ester is one of the most anabolic steroids on the planet, and it has a few different variants. Two of them are very common. There is Tren E and Tren A. They have the same hormone but they act differently, have a different time that they remain in your ...