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6236BP10910 IC660BBA105 Block 115Vac/125Vdc Analog Current Source 6 Outputs
6236BP10920 IC660EBA105 Electronic Assembly for IC660BBA105
6236BP10930 IC660TBA105 Terminal Assembly for IC660BBA105
6240BP10411 IC660BBD022 Block 24Vdc Source I/O 16 Circuits, 2/3 Wire Sensor Compatible
6240BP10412 IC660BBD023 Block 24Vdc Sink I/O 16 Circuits, 2/3 Wire Sensor Compatible
6240BP10421 IC660EBD022 Electronic Assembly for IC660BBD022
6240BP10422 IC660EBD023 Electronic Assembly for IC660BBD023
6240BP10431 IC660TBD022 Terminal Assembly for IC660BBD022
6240BP10432 IC660TBD023 Terminal Assembly for IC660BBD023