This compact 315/ 433MHz Car Remote Control Jammer works by315MHz and 433 MHz frequency. The main target of this device is to disable different remote controls, such as car remote control, TV remote control, garage remote control and others. The blocking range of this portable remote control jammer is 30 meters. Compact 315/433MHz Car Remote Control Jammer can also be efficiently applied as car cordless remote key jammer.
There’s no reason to explain the cause of buying and application of this compact 433MHz Car Remote Control Jammer. Our employees understand your wish to possess this device. You can be absolutely sure that this wonderful compact 315/433MHz Car Remote Control Jammer will make it possible to succeed with up-to-date electronic style. Are you still pondering? Look through the description again and if you are sure this device is exactly what you need – do not delay, buy it right now
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