The Venous reflux disease has significant prevalence in the general population. Up to 55% of women and 45% of men suffer from venous disease. Endovenous Laser Treatment for the elimination of varicose veins is quickly becoming the gold-standard in the treatment of varicose veins.
Endovenous laser treatment treats varicose veins using an optical fiber that is inserted into great saphenous vein (GSV) or small saphenous vein (SSV) to be treated. the inner part of the vessel wall gets irreversibly destroyed, thus eliminating the dysfunctional vein. Compare with other wavelength, the new 1470nm laser energy with higher absorption preferentially absorbed in the intracellular water of the vein wall and in the water content of blood, and as a result, less collateral thermal damage has improved the technique further, enabling safe, rapid, and precise use of energy to coagulate the vessel with minimal impact on neighboring tissue structures.
Endovenous Laser System
1470nm laser requires less energy output, Energy delivery to the diseased vein is performed using Radial Emitting Fiber, providing circular emission directed at the vessel wall, allowing immediate closure of the vein. By avoiding perforation of the vein wall and associated thermal irritation of the surrounding tissue, post-operative pain is minimized, as are ecchymosis and other side-effects.
In the visual guide by the Vein Viewer, endovenous laser treatment will become more and more simple, safe and efficient, greatly reduce the risk in the process of operation, improve the operation precision, this way will become operative technology updates.
vascluar laser surgery by vein viewer
PLDD (Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression) is a latest treatment procedure for the treatment of spinal problem in neck and back pain. It is performed under fluoroscopic guidance and inserting a needle into the disk. A thin optical fiber is inserted through the needle to apply laser energy to the nucleus of the disk. Laser evaporates disc materials and creates negative a pressure which gradually pulls the herniation backwards into the disk. There is no incision and is therefore much less invasive and surgical risk of spine surgery is much minimized by this procedure. This procedure is safe & approved by Federal Drug Administrtion for the treatment of prolapsed Intervertebral disc.
From the early traditional ND:YAG laser to today's diode laser, PLDD operation become more and more mature and high precision, especially the risk of thermal damage get lower, the 980nm diode laser is widely applied in PLDD, now the new 1470nm wavelength will again bring more obvious advantages, treatment by the lower energy since the high efficiency of water the absorption rate, vaporization effect is much better.
percutaneous laser disk decompression
The diode Lasers is now universally accepted as the most advanced technological tool in various specialities of surgery. It offers the most bloodless surgery available today. This laser is especially suited for ENT works and finds application in various aspects of surgery in the ear, nose, larynx, neck etc. With the Diode Laser, there has been a significant improvement in the quality of ENT surgery.
Diode LASER contributes to a more selective and Minimally invasive surgery, minimizing the risk and post-operative period in hospital, it is indeed able to transmit to the fabric up to 30 W of LASER energy at a wavelength of 810 or 980nm; this ensures a precise cutting / coagulation and an excellent tissue vaporization. The possibility of using different sizes optical fibers (200, 400, 600 and 1000um), both in “contact” and “no contact” modality, allows a very effective use in endoscopy.
laser surgery for ears, nose, and throat