The cultivator is used for cultivating in the field of corn.soybean.cotton and sweet potato ect,can be complete cultivator.soil deep-loosenning and ridging with in same time.
The cultivator is used for cultivating in the field of corn.soybean.cotton and sweet potato ect,can be complete cultivator.soil deep-loosenning and ridging with in same time.
In most of the tropical world cassava is grown on small plots; however, in some countries (e.g., Mexico. Brazil and Nigeria). large plantations have been started and interest in mechanization is growing. The degree of mechanization depends on the amount of land, available ...
Time of planting is influenced by weather conditions and the availability of planting material. Cassava is usually planted at the beginning of the rainy season. In order to reduce risk and to distribute the hard work of cultivation more evenly, planting is sometimes divided ...
PREPARATION OF THE LAND When cassava is grown as the first crop in forest land. no further preparation is required than the clearing of the forest growth. When cassava is grown after other crops. it often can be planted without further preparation of the soil, once the ...