Common Rail injectorsmake possible fine electronic control over the fuel injection time and quantity, and the higher pressure that the common rail technology makes available provides better fuel atomization. In order to lower engine noise, the engine's electronic control unit can inject a small amount of diesel just before the main injection event ("pilot" injection), thus reducing its explosiveness and vibration, as well as optimizing injection timing and quantity for variations in fuel quality, cold starting and so on.
China LutongThe 3rd generation ofCommon Railmakes diesel engines even cleaner, more economic, more powerful and quieter.
The key is the innovative injection system: it works with rapid switch, compact piezo-inlineinjectors.
Some advancedcommon rail fuel systemsperform as many as fiveinjectionsper stroke.
Theinjectorof theCommon Rail Systemcontains theinjection nozzle, an actuator in the case of piezoinjectorsor asolenoid valvein the case of solenoid injectors plus the hydraulic and electrical connections to trigger the nozzle module. Aninjectorconnected to the rail via a short high-pressure line is installed in each engine cylinder.
The electrical, hydraulic servo system in theinjectorreceives control impulses from the EDC (Electronic Diesel Control) to open and close the nozzle module. It is triggered either by asolenoid-valveor a piezo actuator.Injectorswith a piezo actuator can have a slimmer design and achieve reduced switching noise. Both technologies achieve similarly short switching times and permit pilot, main and secondaryinjections. In this way, fuel combustion can be designed to be efficient and clean at all operating points.