Anping Tenglu Metal Wire Mesh Co.,LTD
Welded Mesh Fabric
Welded mesh fabric used for the reinforcement of concrete is manufactured to international standard specifications.
1Welded mesh reinforcing sheets are the most commonly used form of reinforcing in concrete and is particularly suited for flat slab construction and concrete surface beds. Other design applications
would be:
Retaining walls
Shear walls
Beams and columns.
Concrete Paving overlays
Suspended floor slabs
Swimming pool and sprayed concrete reinforcing
2Welded mesh sheets can be detailed as either flat or bend sheets depending on the contract requirements.
3Welded mesh sheets can be fabricated to non-standard sizes depending on contract requirements.
4Welded mesh reinforcement reduces construction time considerably by eliminating the tying of reinforcing bars on site.
5Designated fabric mats are standard welded reinforcing sheets and can be scheduled simply by reference to the fabric type, sheet dimensions and in instances where bend material is required the
bending shape code. (The reference is the nominal mass of the fabric in kg/m² x 100)
6The cold-rolled deformed wire used in welded mesh reinforcement fabric has a minimum characteristic strength (0.2% proof stress) of 485 MPa compared to 450 MPa for high tensile rebar. Reinforcing
fabric may be used at higher stresses than high tensile rebar resulting in material saving of up to 8%.