technology is dedicated to the normal operation of the enterprise at the best
cost, the best quality and efficient way.
strive for excellence and to be better and better.
parts together, adhere to provide customers with first-class service.
A large number of parts inventory, lower the costs of waiting for maintenance
NASM03 Analog Slave Module
NASM04 Analog Input Slave Module - RTD
NASO01 Analog Output Module
NBIM01 Bus Interface Module
NBIM02 Bus Interface Module
NBTM01 Bus Transfer Module
NCIS01 Control I/O Module
NCIS02 Control I/O Module
NCOM01 Enhanced Controller Module
NCOM02 Enhanced Controller Module
NCOM03 Enhanced Controller Module
NCOM04 Advanced Controller Module
NCPM01 Communication Port Module
NCTM01 Configuration & Tuning Module
NDCS03 NDCSO3 Digital Control Station
NDIS01 Digital Indicator Station
NDLS01 Digital Logic Station
NDLS03 Digital Logic Station
NDSI01 Digital Slave Input Module
NDSI02 Net 90 Digital Input Module
NDSM01 Digital Input Module
NDSM02 Digital Input Module
NDSM03 Digital Input Module
NDSM04 Digital Slave Module
NDSM05 Digital Input Module
NDSO01 NDSOO1 NDS001 Digital Output Module
NDSO02 Digital Output Module
NDSO03 Digital Output Module
NDSO04 Digital Output Module
NFAN01 Network 90 Fan Assembly
NGCM01 Gateway Communications Module
NGCM02 Gateway Communication Module
NHSS01 Hydraulic Servo Module
NIMP02 Multi-Function Processor Termination Module
NIOP02 Network 90 I/O Power Panel
NIOX01 I/O Expander Module
NIPL01 Plant Loop Termination Module
NKLM01-4 Loop Interface Cable
NKLM01-5 Loop Interface Cable
NKLS02-5 Super Loop Cable
NKLS03-10 Plant Loop Interface Cable
NKPL01-3 Twinax Plant Loop Cable
NLIM02 Loop Interface Module
NLIS01 Loop Interface Slave
NLMM01 Logic Master Module
NLMM02 Logic Master Module
NLSM01 Network 90 Loop Storage
NLSM02 Loop Storage Module
NMFC01 Multifunction Controller
NMFC02 Multi-Function Controller
NMFC03 Enhanced Multi-Function Controller
NMFC05 Multifunction Control Module
NMPP02 Module Power Panel
NPEP01 Power Entry Panel