UV Lamp Test
What is the UV test?
A UV test is a test to measure the exposure to ultraviolet light. Ultraviolet light, or UV, is a term used to describe electromagnetic radiation with ultraviolet waves shorter than light visible to humans. UV light is present in sunlight and can cause chemical reactions in certain materials. This reaction causes them to glow, which is called fluoresce. UV tests look at the ultraviolet spectrum for commercial uses and ultraviolet detection for UV protection.
Commercial uses for a UV test are to determine color fastness in products. A sample is sent to a UV test lab where it is subjected to ultraviolet exposure in a controlled environment. A solar simulator is used to create ultraviolet radiation and simulate months or years of exposure.
Paint that would be exposed to long periods of sunlight such as exterior building paint or automobile paint can be tested to determine how long the paint would last. This allows manufacturers to modify, if necessary, the chemicals used in their products. The UV test also allows manufacturers to promote the level of UV resistance the product has on its packaging.
Textiles manufacturers also use UV testing to determine how long the product will remain color fast. If dyes incorporated into the manufacturing process fade too soon, the product may begin to degrade. Understanding the lifespan of the dye helps companies produce better products. This is also used for other materials such as plastics and paper.
How to apply for UV testing ?
The following is the simple process for vibration test in our laboratory:
1、Provide our lab your product images and product manuals.
2、Confirm the test standard by both side.
4、Fill in the test application form(Our company will provide the application form).
5、Send test samples to our company.
6、Sign the contract and pay.
7、Start testing