Product Name:1-testosterone cypionate , Dihydroboldenone
CAS NO.:65-06-5
Molecular Formula:C19H28O2
Molecular Weight:288.42
Grade:Pharmaceutical Grade
Appearance:White Crystalline Powder
Anabolic /Androgenic Ratio: 200/100
Dihydroboldenone, while not overly androgenic, is a potent anabolic. It has been demonstrated that the drug binds extremely well and selectively to the androgen receptor and stimulates androgen
receptor transactivation of dependent reporter genes . This equates to a drug that possesses the ability to stimulate significant muscle growth while not producing androgenic side effects.Also it
does not aromatize and therefore estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia and water retention are not a concern for users. It has been shown to be by far more anabolic than such compounds as
boldenone, nandrolone , and even testosterone itself. Obviously this is of great benefit to many athletes.